Chapter 21

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Ananya's p.o.v.

"Avinash take care of everything and Ananya will assist you these days."

"Ok sir."

"And anything else?"

"No, Sir. We will handle everything."

"Ananya you wanna say anything?"

"No-no... nothing Sir."


After I came out of the meeting room, I made my way towards the canteen to get rid of this hunger beast hitting my stomach.

I bought one chicken sandwich and a cup of tea to boost my energy level. I started gulping them to my mouth's content.

As I looked up my eyes got stuck on two figures. Rakesh and Diya are talking to each other and my sixth sense is giving me a sign that there is something fishy going on between them.

Rakesh turned towards me. We exchanged a smile. Both of them came to my table after buying their lunch.


"Hi, so seems like Diya is going to miss you so much for one week, Rakesh?"

Both of them turned their gaze towards me and then at each other."

"Why?" Diya stared at me.

"Oh, don't you? I thought you will. By the way when you two are gonna give me a treat?"


"For your new relationship."

And again, their head turned towards me simultaneously.

"Ok. Come on anyone can tell that there is something going on between you two."

"Really?" Diya asked with a sad face.

I laughed at her question. They also joined me.

My phone started ringing.

Sir! Can't he spare me during lunch atleast?

"Yes Sir."

"Ananya where are you? Don't you know we have an important meeting with Mr Saxena? You have 15 minutes. We will leave then."

And he cut the call without even giving me a second to talk. Meeting? How will I know if he doesn't tell me?

"Bye guys I need to go. And don't forget about the treat once you returned."

I hurried to my office. A message entered my phone.

"Come to the parking area."

I almost rushed after taking all my stuff. I saw him waiting with his black SUV.

"Good afternoon, sir. Actually, I wasn't informed about this meeting earlier."

"Get in." He opened the car door for me.

"What do you mean by you were not informed?" He asked while sitting in the driver's seat.

Does he have any memory loss problems?

"Sir, you didn't," I whispered.

"Wha.. what? No, I told you. But maybe you are suffering from a memory loss problem. Now don't argue with me."

I decided to keep quiet as there is no point in talking with him.

The meeting went on for almost 2 hours.
I can't say how bored I was.

"Come I will drop you."

"But... Sir."

"Hurry up."

Wasting no time more we left.

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