Chapter 6

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Ananya's p.o.v.

I was walking silently in the beautiful gardens of the resort. It was so peaceful. No disturbance, no noise, no talking just some me time. Usually People don't like staying alone without any reason. But I love being alone sometime. Maybe because I am introvert. Spending time alone always gives chance to think deeply, analyse anything deeply and mostly it helps to do something creative.

Today is my engagement with Rahul. Me and Rahul are childhood friends. In our childhood both our family lived in Mumbai. We used to be the best friend of each other then. We played together. We used to go in the same school. I love him since then. No at first it's not that kind of love just friendly love but as I grew up I started falling for him.  But then at the age of 10 my dadi, my Mom took me to Kolkata. We got seperated. We didn't contact each other after that. Then after 13 long years we returned here again for my job purpose. I always wanted to do job here. But doing job is not the only reason, Rahul is also the reason for me to return here. And for last one years I am working here in a small private company. But I am not satisfied with the salary so I am trying to apply for job in some big company here.

After coming to Mumbai we reunited with Rahul's family again. But Rahul was not here then. He was in London for study purpose. But I used to meet uncle aunty and Pooja regularly. Rahul's whole family is so sweet. They love me so much. And about Pooja, she is such a sweetheart. When I left for Kolkata she was merely 6 years old. She really can't remember me clearly from our childhood but once we met one year ago we didn't take much time to be good friends.

Then suddenly one day while gossiping with dadi aunty gave her marriage proposal for Rahul with me. Dadi instantly agreed and so me. They decided once Rahul come back we should get married. I was so happy that I wanted to fly. Same went for both of our family.

3 months ago atlast Rahul returned India. We met each other after long 13 years. I was almost unable to say anything seeing him. He was happy too to see me.

And for me my happiness got doubled when he agreed to marry me, to make me his forever.  Finally our guardian fixed our marriage. And to my....

Suddenly I saw someone. I don't know why but he looks little familiar to me. But do I really know him?

Have I seen him before?

His eyes are searching for something.
His handsome tanned face was full of sweat and seriousness. He was walking like a restless little baby boy.

I felt a sudden urge to ask him about what he was looking for. I went near him.

"Excuse me, are you looking for something?"

He turned towards me.

Now I looked at his deep black eyes. That pair displayed his sharp intelligence, strong confident personality which can make any girl hypnotised.

No, this time it was he who seemed to be hypnotized. This tall dark and handsome Lady killer was actually looking with a dumb face standing like a statue. And what I was thinking intelligence, personality bla bla bla..

I was going to ask him again but this time he said something. No, actually whispered something.


"Are you looking for something?"

"Oh, yeah. Actually there is an engagement party going to take place in this resort today. But the resort is so large that I can't find out the actual villa."

"So you have come for today's engagement party?"


I smiled. So this Mr. Mixture of intelligence and dumbness is our guest. He might be from Rahul's side.

"I guess you are from Rahul's side. How are you related to him?"

"We are very good friends."
Now I understand the matter of familiarity I might have seen him in some photos with Rahul.

"Ok, let me help you then. Just go straight and you can see there is a right turn behind that villa , take that turn, walk straight, then again a left turn, after that you can see a pool, near the pool you will see a decorated villa. There is your destination." All the time there was a soft smile on her face.


His phone started ringing. He excused himself to receive the call.

I looked at my hand watch. I have to go home right now to get my engagement things and to return here soon. So I left.

"Mamma, you know how much I am missing you today. It's my engagement mamma. Your Anu is getting married. I am going to start a new life. I am going to get a new family. But your void can't ever be filled up. I miss you so much Mamma. How beautiful it would be if you have been with me today!!"

"Who told you that she is not with you?"


She wiped off my tears.

"She is here in your heart and will be there forever. She can't ever leave her little Anu as you two are inseparable. You can feel her within you, don't you?"

"Yess Dadi. You are right. She is with me. She can't leave me." I hugged her.

"And I am sure she is the happiest person today. Now stop crying and be ready. We have to leave for the engagement." She kissed in my forehead.

"Ok Dadi."

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And also be safe.

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