Chapter 47

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"You got to be kidding me, right?" Neha couldn't resist asking. It took her nearly one minute to digest my word's before replying.

"You think I am?" I managed to say overcoming the pain and guilt I was feeling.

"So what? Honestly, I don't care who she is but I definitely care for Arjun. That guy literally could give his life for you." Her face glowered in anger.

"Do you know what I am feeling to do right now? I just wanna give you a tight slap just to give you a reality check that you are just ranting about the same thing again and again instead of moving on."
Her voice was bursting out with disappointment.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry." I kept on repeating them again and again.

"You know what? Sorry to say but you actually don't deserve him, his love, his affection. You can't love anyone. You are nothing but selfish." Her harsh words pinched me like a knife each time.

"No, pleasssse, I'm not selfish. I was not myself, Neha. Shriya's words about my mom overpowered my senses. I was overwhelmed by my rage. The only thing floating in my mind was hatred, anger." I took her palms in mine in desperation.

"Just stop justifying yourself when you shouldn't. More than the horrible tale of Shriya being your half-sister, 'YOU'- my best friend playing with someone's feeling terrifies me more. I feel like I don't know you. This is not the Anu I know." She cringed.

I had no energy left to speak up. I was numb.

"Now what?" Neha asked me vigorously.

"I will confess everything to him. I don't know what he will do after that but I just can't take all this anymore. And then I will just go back to Kolkata."

"Yeah, of course, what is left for you to do other than just escape." Her sarcastic words pierced through my heart. This was new to me. Neha my best friend was being such bitter to me.

"I'm sorry but neither I can support you this time nor I can intrude."

She left not before closing the door in front of me with a thud. I was just left there vulnerable, guilty, alone with my sins.


The alarm cried out letting me know that it was time to wake up though I merely slept last night. Neha ignored me the whole time. Even I don't have the guts to confront her. She hates me now. But more than that I panicked at the thought of Arjun's reaction after knowing the truth.

As I passed across the kitchen my eyes fall on Dadi and a stint of fear rose in me again. What if Dadi gets to know about my deed? She will be so disappointed.

"Anu" her affectionate voice took me out of my thoughts. But the next moment I noticed concern laced on her face.

"Are you ok?" I couldn't help but ask her.

"Yeah, of course, I'm just a little stressed. But you are looking dry." She held my cheeks sending me a feeling of comfort in all this mess.

"It's nothing, just work pressure."

"Are you going anywhere?" She asked me.

"Yeah, there's something important I need to do."

"It's Sunday, na?"

"Hmmm. But there is an emergency."

"Ok, will you have lunch at home?"


Once I bid her goodbye, I took my scooty. But I was nervous. The whole time I was having some stormy feelings on my way to Arjun's place. How would I tell him all this? How much hatred is going to rain over me and I should be prepared to accept them.

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