Chapter 38

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Before the chapter starts I have something to say. The story has crossed 50K views and 5K votes🥺. I just want to say one thing to you guys "THANK YOU" for your unbelievable support. I never expected this when I started writing. Special thanks to all my lovely friends for their constant votes, and comments. If I started mentioning then I might lose one. And want to thank you my silent readers that they had given a chance to my writing.

I don't have enough words to express my gratitude toward you so 'I LOVE YOU ALL BUDDIES. THIS WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE WITHOUT YOU❤️❤️❤️🥰😍😘"

Third person's p.o.v.

She opened her eyes to see Arjun who was continuously blabbering her name. Arjun felt a deep emotion radiating from her deep black orbs, something so intense, so heart-touching, helpless.

"Ananya, what happened to you?"

Ananya checked her position, half falling, hanging with his arms.

"Don't worry, you won't fall. I won't let you." He made her stand. He brought her a glass of water. After gulping it she felt better.

"Now can we go?"

She nodded her head. Both of them headed towards the center.

"Hii Uncle Aunty."

"Hey, how are you, my boy?

" I'm good. Very very congratulations. Happy marriage anniversary, Uncle Aunty." Arjun and Shriya's father Dibakar hugged each other.

"So, meeting after a long time ha? But I just wanna say I'm so proud of you my boy. I have all information regarding your work. Everyone is praising this new business tycoon of the city, hu?" He patted his back delightfully.

"It's nothing, uncle. Nothing is possible without you all's support."

"Not to forget your hard work. You?" Dibakar's eyes moved to Ananya who was watching them all from behind silently.

"Dad, she is Ananya. Rahul's childhood friend and our new friend."

"Congratulations Sir and Ma'am. Happy marriage anniversary."

"Wow, a new member of your gang. Welcome beta. Hope you can bear these creatures." He said teasingly.

"Dad!" Shriya glared at her father.

"Well, do I know you? Don't know why but it seemed like I have seen you before."

"Maybe or maybe not be Sir. This world is small and more or less round. So it's not impossible to think that we have met before." She replied with a light smile playing on her lips.

"I can see. You are an interesting girl. I think I should have more conversations with you. But Shriya ask your friend if she is taking me too seriously?" They looked at him confused.

"He meant why Ananya is calling us Sir and Ma'am. It's looking like we are some strict professor of college and taking her viva." Nibha, Shriya's mom spoke up from beside.

"Really you always understood what I want to say." Dibakar praised her wife and the whole group clapped joyfully to tease them.

"Yeah, Ananya call them Uncle and Aunty just like my other friends."

"In fact, your friend's parents are like your own parents. So no formality from next time."

Ananya just nodded silently.

Parents my foot!

Ananya came out of the gathering. She made her way towards the drink.

There is a small mandap has been set up for the couple to do some marriage rituals again to reminisce about the good old days.

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