Chapter 16

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Ananya's p.o.v.

It's Monday again and I hate Mondays. I have to see his face again. I reached my office at time.

I went to his office and started arranging properly. But I am disturbed today. Last night I didn't have a good sleep. That nightmare. I checked the time. He will be here anytime and I have to leave before that.

While leaving I looked back one last time if everything is ok or not and as I was satisfied I turned.


I bumped into something hard. The door.  No I kept the door opened then how it came closed. And 1 second I haven't fallen. The door is holding me. Have it got arms. Stop!

And I got the reality check. It's not a door stupid. It's a person who is holding you tightly. I looked upward. It's Him.

"Don't say you wanna fall in your enemy's arms."


Then he looked at his suit's collar which I am clenching with all my force and I realised that he has already left my arms.

"And moreover I don't like my dress ruined. Fall in someone else's arm next time.

I balanced myself properly. He jolted his shoulders and suit like it got dirty of my holding. That's rude. I decided to leave instead of arguing with him.

"Don't look back while proceeding you will fell."

I stopped on my way.

" Or else keep a pair of eyes on your back also if you have the habit of looking back while walking." He smirked.

I left nodding. Was he really needed to behave with me like that always? But I am not in the mood of arguing today. He also must have wondered that I left without saying anything.

I prepared the coffee for him. And once again forward towards his office.

"Sir your coffee. You have a meeting at 2 pm today."

"Yeah I know. Be there on time."

"Sure sir." I noticed him watching me intensely.

"Anything else, sir?"

"No you can go. I will send you emails what you have to do today."

Third man's p.o.v.

"Has anything happened to her? Why is she so upset today?" Arjun said in his mind. It's not like he really cares for her. But he is just tensed that it might harm her works. He tried to convince himself.

At correct 2 pm  he arrived at the meeting room. All the staffs were already present there. But his eyes was looking for a particular face. There she is standing there with others.

The meeting started. Avinash started presenting a ppt.

"Excellent job, Avinash. I liked the idea. I would like to know if anyone else want to add anything or want any changes?"
Arjun said looking at his staffs. Then his eyes fall on her. She is so carefully watching Rakesh's tie or rather looking blankly.

"Miss Roy, what do you think? You wanna add anything?"

"Miss Roy?" Arjun said a little loud.

"Ye.. ye..yes Sir?" It was totally pin drop silence inside the meeting room.

" So now I have to repeat for you which I really hate to do."

She lowered her face.

" I'm sorry sir." She almost whispered that.

He stood up.

"If you have decided to waste your position like this then it's better you leave this and give chance to others. People are so jobless nowadays."

But this time he got hurt seeing her eyes. Seemed like she is gonna cry soon. He thought he might had been so rude. He turned down his gaze.

"Prepare the reports regarding the meeting and all the paper that needed to signed. If needed talk to Rakesh."

He moved to leave but stopped near the door.

"Come to my office right now."

And only his hurried footsteps are heard.  As the noise disappeared Rakesh came to her.

"Ananya, is everything alright? I mean you always pay your full attention in meetings or whatever you do. So.."

"I'm fine Rakesh. It's just I was little upset. Nothing else. Excuse me?"


She made her way to his cabin.

Ananya's p.o.v.

"May I come in, Sir?"

"Come." I slowly stepped inside his cabin.

I saw him standing infront of the table lying down on it's edge like a boss with his emotionless face. His hands are folded. Eyes are serious. I don't know but his figure was little intimidating today. I know I am expecting a long lecture and taunts from him.

"Sit" He asked me indicating the chair beside him. I followed. I don't know what he is gonna tell me. I felt little tensed.

"Sir what happened in the meeting room I'm extremely sorry for that. I promise you it won't happen again."

"What's the matter Ananya?" I looked upward. For the first time I heard my name from his mouth. It's sounded so unusual, a little different.

What the hell Ananya! Right now you should concentrate on the question he asked but not how your name is being sounded in his voice.

"I'm expecting a quick reply."

"Sir, it's nothing. I was little disturbed."

"I know and that's why I am asking for the reason." He stated raising his left eyebrows.

What the hell. I told him it won't happen again but he is.. What he is gonna do if I tell him. Is he gonna end up my all sorrow.

"Sir, it's personal."

"Yeah, tell me."

What! I stood up.

"Sir, I said it's personal then why should I tell that to you? Do you have secret interest about your staff's person life?"

Oh no. I shouldn't say that.

Suddenly he came closed to me. I backed off but the damn table! I tried to move. But he caged me with his both hands keeping on the table on my both side. He almost towers my 5'3 inches with his almost 6'1 inches figure. I was so shocked at this sudden closeness. I can feel her breadth on me, can smell his attractive cologne that's sorrounding us. What's wrong with me!


"I have no fucking interest in your bloody life or any other staff's. Your inattentiveness is affecting my work and that's all I care."

"And one more thing what rubbish is going on in your life don't ever try to mix that with your professional life."

Now it's enough. I am not going to let him hurt me more. I clenched my fist.

"I have nothing to say after this. But please don't say all this again to anyone else. I know you can never feel anyone's pain as you have never faced anything bad in your life. And all people's life is not spoon feeding like yours."

This time he looked hurt and to my surprise I don't know why I felt bad for that. But the next moment I regretted for that.

"Out." He yelled at me. I can feel the pool of tears in my eyes.

I hurried to get away from there as soon as possible but his words once again stopped me on my way.

"I never expressed anything means it's not that I got a spoon feeding life. You may leave now."

Today his eyes had something, a deep emotion that automatically shook a part of my heart.

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