Chapter 14

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    Finally weekend has arrived. Last week was really a hectic one. But I am so far loving my job except seeing his face. But there is no choice. Everything can't  happen according to my wish. Though rest of the week he didn't create any scene luckily. Obviously I also didn't give him any chance to question.

   It's Saturday and it's cleaning time. After I was done I took bath and then me and Dadi have lunch together and that's the thing I love about weekends. Rest of the week me in the office and Dadi stays alone in the house. She might get bored. But on these two days we spent time together and have lots of fun.

"What are you doing?"

"Just trying to read something."

"Acha, listen do you remember what is tomorrow?"

"Obviously how can I forget mom's birthday?"

"So then you also remember that we go to temple on this day every year."


"So be ready at 8 o'clock."


"By the way how is your job going?"

"Hmm. Not bad."

"Have your new boss troubled you more?"

He himself is an trouble.

"No Dadi. Everything is fine. And your granddaughter is smart enough to handle if problem come also. So don't worry."

"Still if he does anything like that I will go, hold his ear tightly and scold him why he is troubling my sweet beautiful 'poti'?"

We started laughing.

"Acha! If he doesn't get scared of you?"

"Obviously he will. Don't I look strict enough?"

She asked me with a pouting.

"Not even one percent. Infact no one can get scared of you because you are sooo cute and so sweet that if people try to get scared they can't."

"Oh! Hello don't underestimate the power of your dadi."

She stated with a fake angry face.

"Ok, ok. I am so scared now. Please return me my sweet, cute Dadi."


We started laughing hard.

"Ok now go to sleep. It's already late. And we have to get up early tomorrow."

"Okkk." I embraced her.

"Good night bacchu."

"Good night."

As soon as I laid down my phone started ringing.

Arjun Sir! At this time!

"Hello Ms Roy."

"Hello sir, but you at this time?"

"Why is there any restriction of which time I can call and when not?"

"No sir. I didn't mean that."

Is he really have any mental problem!

"Listen, Ms Roy you are my PA. So I can call whenever I want and you have to answer me."

"That's ok, sir. But what's the question, I mean the reason of your call."

I said calmly enough.

"Oh yeah. I asked you to prepare the reports of today's meeting."

"Yes sir it was done and I submitted it to your office before leaving. You were not there though."

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