Chapter 50

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Good evening, lovely people, the new Chapter is up, Enjoy...

"I love you."

Everything seemed to seize for the moment except for the slow music still playing in the background perfectly syncing in the atmosphere. They both seemed to take a while for what had just been said to melt in their understanding fully.

She said it. Yes, she loved him and there was no more reason to deny that. She took the decision right at that moment. She wanted him, wanted a future with him. The past was past and it's better to keep it like that, past. Today, she was here, with him, in his arms. That's what matters. She was lucky to get one more chance with the most wonderful man she had ever met. She's not just going to let that go by spilling old dust.

Arjun kept staring at her without blinking. His silence made her embarrassed a little.

"Well if I had known before that all you are going to give me is your super irritating silence I would have been more careful about my confession."

A smile broke out on his lips. It seemed so charming, so magical on his handsome face that she almost fainted with dizziness. "You are crazy, you know that", he said while chuckling.

"Of course I am, otherwise I wouldn't still be here after you gave that awesome reaction when I finally told you that...that.."

"That?" He asked with a mischievous tone. She realized he is playing her.

"You know what I will just leave", she said with annoyance and turned to leave. A strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her in.

"Or maybe you can let me kiss you like there is no tomorrow", he whispered in her ear suggestively while his lips almost touching her earlobe sent waves of shiver throughout her body. He curled a lock of her hair in his finger relishing in its smoothness. His eyes locked with hers daring her to say no and she knew don't have any power remaining with her to do that either so she just closed her eyes in anticipation. He upholds her face sideways and touched her lips with his own.

They both felt the magic that the first touch created. Just lips touching lips slowly, carefully. His fingers moved from behind her head towards her neck and turned her towards him fully without leaving her lips fully. She clutched the front of his shirt with a desperate hold. They seemed to be lost in the warmth of each other while their lips molted together.

They stopped as they got out of breath. The excitement, the feelings everything causing both of their hearts to drum like they would get out of their body. Arjun touched his forwards with hers. 

"That was...", Ananya felt lost for words. "Crazy", Arjun replied with a smirk. 

"And mad and special and superb. It's like I am finally starting to get everything I want in my life", he completed in a whisper.

"I felt the same", Ananya said while snaking her arms around his neck with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Arjun tightened his hold around her waist not wanting to stay apart and kissed her forehead with such gentleness making her heart fluttering. 

"Well, you know if I'm being honest your reaction to my proposal was not the most satisfying one. But I'll forgive you after that breathtaking kiss you gifted me" he said teasingly.

Ananya's felt a lump forming in her throat at the reminiscence of the first time Arjun confessed to her and her lie. She hugged him tightly and hid her face in his chest in an attempt to hide the sudden panic she felt within its source itself. That was a past, a past that was supposed to remain like that, a 'Past'. But this little fear was crawling under. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything" she muttered while sobbing lightly against his shirt, her hand grabbed his shirt so tight as if the more she hold onto him all those mistakes, and lies will just get pissed off behind their closeness. As if they will just melt away by the warmth of their love, their togetherness. 

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