Chapter 26

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Ananya's p.o.v.

Are you feeling cold?

"No, it's fine."

I lied. I'm feeling cold but what can I do? I have to bear with this. I felt my palms tingle and my body stiff.

"Anu your palms are shaking. Your hair, and clothes are wet enough. Do one thing, please take my coat. You will feel warm."

"I don't need it, Rahul. Thanks."

"Am I ever going to get back my best friend?"

I turned towards him.

"Are we always going to behave like a stranger?"

"Rahul, stop it. I don't want to talk about this. It was past and I think I have already forgiven you. So-so... just don't drag this out now. And it's better for both of us to forget the past."

"Which past? Our friendship or..."

"Rahul! What's wrong with you? Question after question? What do you want?"
I said frustratingly.

"I want my friend back. Want everything to be normal like before."

I noticed him looking at me continuously and it was awkward.

"Ok, ok. Now look forward otherwise for both of us it's going to be the last day alive."

He turned his head smilingly. Suddenly he extended his coat to me.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Take it. You can't say no now. You just said we are friends, please." He pleaded.

I don't know what to say. I just took that with a light smile. Because every time he does such things it reminds me of those memories when he used to care for me like this and I used to misunderstand his friendship as his love for me which actually never existed. How fool I was!

I smiled at myself. He will always say that we are best friends again but I know that's not possible ever. How much he tries there will always be an indifference in our friendship. After all, it's not easy to forget your first love and it's so painful when he rejects you after giving you hope and breaking your heart in pieces. It's hard to get back the madness of friendship overcoming the sensitivity of love.

"Who is that girl?"

I don't know why I ask that question. Maybe to compare what's so special about her.

"Which girl?"

"The one you love."



"Ananya! How?" He was shocked.

I smiled.

"Just guessed and it hit the point."

Well, I just made an assumption. In one-sided love whenever you see someone close to your crush you think her or him to be your crush's love interest. Your subconscious mind starts blabbering there is something going on between them.





"What are you thinking so concentratedly."

"Umm.. nothing. Rahul, I wanna ask you something."

"Hmm, ask."

"How did you get to know about Dadi that day?"

He kept mum which irritated me.

This time I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes.

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