Chapter 36

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Ananya's p.o.v.

As I got close to his cabin I heard him shouting, more like complaining. The door was not closed fully otherwise the sound wouldn't have come outside. I peeped through it to discover him scolding Diya for something. I tried to overhear what was going on inside by landing my one ear on the door. The argument is probably regarding some meeting time-related. Suddenly I realized the whole thing has stopped. But before I could control myself the door opened and as a result of leaning on it, I just slipped. In embarrassment, I closed my eyes. Please God just save me.

No, something has stopped me from kissing the earth. I was hanging at something hard. I opened my eyelids slowly to see a pair of dark black orbs covering me. For a moment my breathing system stopped at the realization of where I am. I sensed my waist resting in his protective hand, my one arm was being circled with his tight grip. I balanced myself as soon as I realize that Diya is staring at our awkward position. We left each other. By the time the files in my hand were already crawling on the ground. I got busy with them.

"You can go." I heard him saying. Sideways I found Diya leaving. I think I should also leave for now to get away from this sudden embarrassing situation. Really, Did I just get caught for peeping in the boss's cabin? I patted my head lightly and turned to leave without meeting his gaze.

"I didn't ask you to leave." I heard his commanding voice.

"Sir, I will come later." I opened the door to get it shut by a force came from behind.

"Are you overhearing our conversation?" His husky deep voice fanned my ears. I got tensed.

"No" I replied back facing him.

"Don't you know you should face your senior or boss while talking to them?"

And I turned instantly.

"Sorry" Thank God that he left some spaces for me to turn at least. I pinned myself to the door to increase the distance and to see him step more toward me. Was he angry? Last time in his farmhouse he behaved like this.

"Are you jealous?" He snapped at me with a smirk.

What! Jealous! Of what!

"Of what? Why should I be jealous?"

"Because the thing you wanted has been taken by someone else?"

"What thing?" I said with anger. Now he is behaving irritating.

"For what you are just in my cabin."

"I wasn't."

"Are you not understanding or just acting."

Damn! This man, always need to get on my nerve.

"You are jealous of Diya because he is assisting me instead of you. You love straight answers, right? See I exactly did the same thing. I also expect the same attitude." He blurted.

"I just told you I wasn't."

"Ok, let me check the CCTV then."

He turned leaving me behind confused. I need to do something first. Otherwise, for the rest of my life, I have to spend my life on his taunts.

"Actually I was feeling a little dizzy so just was holding the door for support." I stammered.

He turned towards me raising one eyebrow. He was throwing his gaze at me like testing me with his eyes.

"Now can you please sign these papers? Avinash Sir has asked me to make you sign this."

I took some hurried steps towards his table trying to ignore his gaze.

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