Chapter 29

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Ananya's p.o.v.

I extend my hand to take the last piece of chocolate while checking my mobile but I felt nothing on the packet.

I looked up from the mobile and seriously there was nothing.

My chocolates!

And the next moment I felt like something is burning in me at the view in front of me. He was just chewing my remaining chocolate with so much cazz. I know my face is going to turn into a crying face with a slight touch of anger. He smirked at me.

"How-how can you do it? You just ate my whole damn chocolate." I said feeling super annoyed with this damn man.

"It's my chocolate so I ate it."

"What! No Mr. Arjun I bought this. It's not the one that you gifted to me tomorrow."

Shit! I bite my tongue.

"Really? So that chocolate was gifted by me?" I turned my face in the other direction to avoid his teasing gaze. He moved close to me. I heard his whisper in my ear.

"I never knew that I'm your admirer."
I pushed him.

"Joke. It was a joke." I blurted.

"But don't you think I also deserve a return gift?"

I got upset again inwardly remembering my gift which I lost yesterday.

"I was about to give but..."


"But I lost it." He frowned hearing my excuse.

"I think you don't want to that's why giving useless excuses. Leave it. I have my secret admirer. Ok, I was just here to get news of my secret admirer. So, tell me have you got to know about her?"

"Sir for your kind information I'm not any secret agent. So, there is no news of your so-called secret admirer. I'm really sorry."

"You are really a bad PA. Can't even do a single thing. Unlucky me now, I have to make you my date." He said in a sad tone.

"Date? I'm not your date."

"Really miss Roy. I think you are suffering from memory loss. Ok, it's the first time so I'm reminding you once again but next time write it down in your notebook."

He stopped for a moment and then started again.

"There was a deal between us yesterday in the car at probably 6:20 pm that if you failed to find out my secret admirer you will take her place in the party which means you will be my date. Simple. So, tell me have you got any news about her."

"When will I have to join you for the party?"

He raised his one eyebrow smirking.

"At 6:30 in front of your house, I will come to pick you up."

"Will be there."

"Don't make me wait." He left leaving me alone in my cabin.

Well, today the office will be closed early on the occasion of the evening party. So, I also left.


"Anu... wake up. Oh God, this girl... array wake up. You will be late for the party."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I woke up with a big yawn.

"Check the time it's already 6:10 and you are still sleeping."

I yawned again sitting on the bed lazily.

"Stop yawning and get up." After scolding me a little she opened the cupboard.

"Look what are you going to wear?"

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