Chapter 60

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Ananya reached the office the next day. The morning was busy as she had to work with Avinash. During lunch, she had an unexpected guest.

Shriya stormed into her office.

"Why did you return, ha? What do you want?" She asked directly.

Ananya went dumbstruck at her aggressiveness. She thought things were at least normal, between them but Shriya's voice opposed her thoughts.

"Excuse me?"

"I know everything. You have claimed that you are my dad's other daughter. My dad left your mother and you. And now you have come back. For what? Money, property?" She said spitefully.

"Stop right there Shriya, or I will forget that..."

"You will forget what, ha? Ok, I get it. My dad cheated on your mother. So what? Your mother couldn't give him the love my mother gave..."

"Shriya, you don't know what you are saying.  I feel disgusting that you have the guts to defend cheating. He cheated on my mother." Ananya said a little loud. She's trying hard to keep her calm.

"Ok, my father is a cheater. He's a bad person. Then why are you here? He rejected you people. Still, you are here claiming to be his daughter. Don't you have any self-respect? You want property right? I'm sure, your mother was just as greedy as you. Probably that's why Dad left her because he knew how much a greedy woman..."

The room filled with a sound of a hard smack.

"Shut the fuck up, you idiot girl."

If it was possible Ananya would have burnt the girl in front of her with her eyes, by now. Her whole body was seething from anger. Shriya looked back at her stunned rubbing her cheeks.

"Truth always hurts." Shriya taunted hatefully.

Just that moment Arjun entered the room looking surprised at both of the ladies' appearance. They looked like wounded tigers and were about to attack each other.

"What's going on?" He asked with seriousness.

"Shriya, what are you doing here?" He asked again after not getting an answer from any of them. This time they came back to their senses at his presence.

Shriya looked tearfully at Arjun while Ananya just avoided looking at him. She looked other ways making a straight face.

"She slapped me." Shriya burst out and came close to Arjun as she pointed her cheek. He noticed the mark of fingers vividly. The slap was hard.

"Have you two forgotten that it's a company? My company. Not a fighting ring." He said targeting both of them.

Ananya kept mum. It made Arjun irritated as she refused to give any explanation or even look at him.

"Seriously, Arjun. She just slapped and all you can say are these. Of course, I guess she has manipulated you, too. What a pathetic witch she is..."

Ananya looked back at her angrily and was about to slap her again but Arjun came standing between them, looking at her intensely. Shriya cried out from behind.

"I told you, she wanted to hurt me."

"Ms Roy, is this the place for creating such scenes? You are violating the office ethics." He stated calmly but strictly. But Ananya refused to acknowledge him or explain.

"Did you slap her? Ananya I'm asking you something. Did you hurt her?" He asked raising his voice a little. Her ignorance was making him lose his patience. Ananya came out of her trance a little and looked at him. The air in the room turned tense with their intense eyes digging into each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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