Chapter 58

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Firstly, a special thanks to everyone who voted on my story and also who comments on my story regularly. Please keep on voting and commenting like this.

"I don't want to go," Ananya said sitting in the corner of the bed.

" can't deny," Neha said stomping her foot.

"Why do you want me to go? No one likes me there, Shriya, Arjun..."

"And? No one, Dadi, please tell her to come. Are you really going to leave me alone in the face of mentals?"

"Who's mental?"

"Literally everyone."

"Then don't go."

"Ok, I am telling Vishal that I can't come as my best friend..."

"Ok, fine." Neha and Vishal were mending up finally. She didn't want them to fight again. Honestly, she did want to go. It's been a long since she travelled somewhere. But whenever Arjun and Shriya's words came to her mind she felt like pulling herself from everything and hiding somewhere.

Finally, the night before their trip came. Arjun was having a different kind of restlessness within him. He had questions but couldn't put words to them. He dialled Vishal's number.

"Hey bro, packing done?" Vishal asked over the phone.

"Umm, yeah. So everyone is going? All four of us?"

"Four? We are not limited to only four anymore, bro."

His heart skipped at his words.

"Then? Who else?" He asked sceptically.

"Neha, of course."

"Won't she feel awkward with us?"

"Why would she feel awkward, I'll be there with her."

"Yeah, right." Arjun cut the call.

Suddenly he lost all his enthusiasm for the trip. So, she won't be coming.

The next day early in the morning Arjun, Vishal, and Rahul were gathered together. Others would be picked up on the way.

"God, why do you guys have to meet so early, ha? It's only 4:30?" Shriya complained petulantly as she got in the car.

"We have a long way to go, sleeping beauty," Vishal said teasingly.

"Well, I am going to sleep in the car. You guys gonna drive, anyway." She replied shrugging.

"Really? We thought you are going to drive."

"Yeah and till we reach our destiny our ghosts will appear."

All the two boys started laughing as Arjun started the car. They arrived in front of Ananya and Neha's apartment building. His eyes were hooked towards the front. Maybe she would come at the last moment. God, why can't he just stop thinking about her? He heard Neha talking outside the car, but not her. Ok, fine let her be here. He's going to enjoy it to the fullest and forget about her. But he felt a heat building in his chest. It spread toward his brain. He gripped the steering wheel tightly. He felt so depressed.

He didn't even bother to look back and remain in his place closing his eyes stiffly. Maybe he should have asked her once to come, but she probably didn't because of him. He felt a cloud of sadness covering him.

"After a long time, I am going to enjoy the morning. I don't remember when was the last time I enjoyed sunrise last time. Thanks, Vishal for planning this trip." His sense went numb at the girly voice. His eyes snapped to the rearview mirror. She's here. His senses went numb, only her voice ringing. He felt like his heart would come out. Unknowingly, a smile appeared on his handsome face, which he himself didn't realise. He let out a soft laugh.

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