Chapter 49

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A small table with two chairs surrounded by white curtains. Her favourite white roses pattern the entire arrangement with its soothing vibes. Slow breeze accompanying the calmness of the blue ocean.

She was dumbfounded. Her mouth opened but no words came out.

"Did you like it?" Hot breath touched her neck. His calm husky voice caressed her earlobe, touching a little.

"It's beautiful," the two words came out in a gasp. She almost got teary-eyed.

"Let's go then," Arjun extended his arm in a gentleman gesture for her to accept it and she took it, automatically. The small smile playing on his lips warmed her heart.

Is it a dream? A Prince, a Princess, dreamy nights, and a happily ever after. At that moment she knew Arjun is not just a friend. The stubborn tension and attraction between them have stepped up. No, it's not because Arjun has gone full-on rich romantic boyfriend mode with all these arrangements but the caresses it shows, from her favorite flowers to her favorite foods, those small gentle gestures like opening the car door, pulling chairs for her.

They sat together and soon got blended into a cozy conversation while enjoying the delicious food and the romantic atmosphere. All her troubling thoughts blew away like the small breezes passing over the sea.

After eating the lovers started walking along the beach, hand in hand, like there is nothing existing in the world except for the two of them.

It seems that nature was also cooperative. The sky soon got clouded bringing the news of rain. But the beautiful couple was so consumed in each other before they could realize the heavy water drops started soaking them.

"Shit!" Arjun cursed before holding Ananya's hand and running towards their car.

But a sound of laughter turned his head to the back. And the sight was stunning. She was soaked. Her black long hair has already started gluing on her head with some drenched curls kissing her temples. Her white dress started showing her curves more bravely but the utterly complete winner was her carefree laughter.

"You know I feel like I am on an adventure. There is this isolated island and we two idiots running for our lives." She said in between her laughter.

When is the last time she enjoyed this much? When is the last time her laugh was so natural?

Ananya felt the intense stare on her from her companion. She couldn't stop but returned it with equal intensity. They came close to each other until they can see the raindrops making their way on their faces, water dripping from their eyelashes, noses, and chins. The longing, devotion, and adoration she saw in the pool of his eyes made her heart clench. And what was he seeing in hers, the same longing, devotion, and adoration or deception maybe? And the momentum was gone for her.

"Maybe we should go inside the car." Her voice came out in a whisper while breaking their eye contact. They pulled away from each other and got inside the car afterward.

As the car took turns towards the main gate of Arjun's villa Ananya glanced at him questioningly.

Arjun shrugged. "If we don't want to spend the next two days in bed we must change."

"And how do you suggest I change? I'm not gonna wear your clothes."

He chuckled at her words. " As much as I loved the idea of seeing you in my shirt I think I can manage according to you."

As they entered his farmhouse Arjun passed her towel.

"I will return in a minute", saying this he disappeared inside.

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