Chapter 1

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 " Rahul Stop! I am coming please wait for me." I was running as fast as I can to reach him, to get the hold of my love. He was standing far away back facing me. At last I reached him. I hugged him tightly from behind.

" I have got you. I love you Rahul."
I am so happy. But one second what's wrong with his height. Is he still growing at the age of 26!!
" Rahul now look at me. Don't get more angry at me. Please say something."
He turned towards me. " I love you too". I looked upward.

"WHO ARE YOU?" I woke up. I am sweating totally though the atmosphere was not that hot.

Oh God! It was a dream. I checked the time 6:00 am. Oh no! It was a morning dream and they say morning dream often comes out to be true.
The face was not clearly visible. But he was definitely not my Rahul. He was taller than Rahul and maybe handsome too. Then who he can be! Why he said he loves me?

I tapped my head. What the hell I am thinking! It was just a dream. From last 2-3 days Rahul was behaving weird. It felt like he was trying to avoid me. He talked less to me. He was not picking up my calls. Seems like he was not the same Rahul who forgets about time while talking to me. We can chat hours without getting bored. And why not he is my best friend. I love him so much. Same goes for him right. Then why he is behaving so strange. Ananya! May be he was tired and stressed after doing all the arrangements. And the dream was just the result of his weird behaviour. Ufff! I am overthinking.

Knock knock. "Anu beta wake up. It's already 6:10. We have lot of to do. I hope I don't have to remember you about what is today"

" Coming dadi." I opened the door. She entered my room. " Anu what happened beta? Why are you sweating. Are you alright?" She asked me worriedly.
" No Dadi I am absolutely fine. It was just I am feeling hot. Don't worry. Ok just wait for 5 minutes. I am coming from the washroom."

I hurriedly went to the washroom. I got ready and came out.

I saw a red jewellery box in her hand.
"Anu come sit here. I wanna show you something."
I sat beside her comfortably. She opened the box.
" Anu I think you have recognised this necklace"
" Yes it's mom's."
" It's your mother's wedding necklace. I want you to wear it for today's function. You will look great."
" Thanks dadi"
"Ok now you eat something. I have to go to villa and look after all the arrangements are going right or not. Oh God I don't how I'll do all these."
I hold her hand and made her sit on the bed.
"My dear dadi don't take this much pressure on you. I have already checked everything yesterday. The arrangements are perfect. Moreover Rahul and his family are also looking after it. So everything will be alright. You just relax. Have you done your breakfast?"
I got my answer seeing her bored face.
" Ok first we shall do our breakfast and then go to the villa together."
" Accha meri ma I am preparing the breakfast. You come ok." She hurried to the dinning room.
I looked at the necklace held in my hand. I took it and wear it infront of the mirror.   It is a golden necklace with beautiful flower work on it not so heavy or not so simple looking perfect on me. I don't like wearing jewelleries that much but I like this on to it's sober design and moreover it's so close to my heart as it's my mom's necklace. I wonder if Rahul will like me wearing it. Suddenly the morning dream played on my mind I got anxious. I don't know but it seems like something bad gonna happen. Dreaming someone else instead of my fiance that to the night before my engagement can easily give me panic attack. Yes, today is my engagement.

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