Chapter 42

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"What? Did you say yes? Say again." His heart was pounding at top speed in excitement.


Arjun's eyes glowed up like winning something so precious. He stood up and hugged her tightly. Both of them closed their eyes.

"I thought it was not going to be that easy to win this heart beating in you. That means it's not only me, the feeling was mutual." His husky intense voice caressed her ears.

They broke the hug slowly parting ways. Arjun held her face while tugging her loose hair strokes behind her ears. He looked deep into her eyes rubbing her cheeks slowly.

"This day can't be more special than this. Thank you, my love." He said calmly kissing her forehead. Her heart melted down in his warmth. A smile curled up on her rosy lips.

"Wait a minute. I have something for you." He walked to the table and came back with a gift packet.

"What's this?"

"Open it."

She unwrapped the packet to find out a royal blue colored gown.

"Arjun, it was not needed."

"Sshhh, you can't take my rights to bring something for the special person in my life."


"Let's go." He held her arms and took her inside the house to a dressing room and pushed her inside and closed the door before leaving.

"I am waiting outside."

Ananya looked at her reflection in the mirror. A lone teardrop slid down her lips. She wiped it off and glanced at the dress shining in the box.

After some time she came out wearing the dress with her long hair tied in a bun ready. Arjun looked back sensing her presence. With her each step towards him his senses were failing to work properly. He cherished her with his love-filled eyes.

His heart was beating each time admiring her, for the first time she walked out as his woman, belongs to him only, glowing in his gifted dress.

As she came close Arjun pulled her in his arms. He tugged the white rose in her hair. She looked at him confusingly.

"I knew that you like white roses." He replied reading her eyes.

"Do you even know how you are looking? Just like a queen. I think my choices are not bad at all." He winked at her. She smiled at his compliment. He took her hand in his and made their way to the front yard.

As they moved close Ananya started spotting the decoration getting denser.

"What's happy..." She was about to ask but a hoarding came to her notice.


Some unfamiliar faces started to show up.

"Today is your birthday?" She asked stopping on her way. Before Arjun could answer his friends came hugging him altogether. Ananya moved aside to avoid them when a hand pulled her.

"Ananya" Neha shooted shocking glance at her.

"You said yes to him, I can't believe it."

"You knew about the proposal thing  before only." She said in her calm tone.

"I know this proposal was unexpected to you but you saying yes was unbelievable." She exclaimed while shaking her shoulder with widened eyes.

"But I'm so happy for you that you finally realized that you both are made for each other." She joyously wrapped her both arms hugging her tightly.

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