Chapter 20

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Third man's p.o.v.

"Dadi, come it's massage time."

"You come first, then you will do mine."

"No first me."

"Oh God, really you are so stubborn."

"Now come fast. I also need my head massaged."

She started an oil massage on Dadi's head.

"By the way, tell me how is your new boss?"

"Dadi, for at least 100 times you have asked me that question!"

"Yeah, but your boss is a little rude, na? So, I was just concerned. If you don't like it, you don't need to do this job."

"Who told you I'm not liking my job and by the way, he is not that bad you know? Yeah, he has some of his screws loose in his brain but I can manage."

"Then you are liking him."

"Maybe. From the past few days I have seen how dedicated, and hardworking he is towards his work, and working with him as his PA will definitely give you such satisfaction towards your job and I can clearly imagine the bright future of this company. And I'm glad that, that is gonna happen in my presence."

"Hmm. I'm happy for you, ok now come I'll do yours."

They exchanged their position.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, Neha is coming to Mumbai soon and she's..."

"Gonna stay with us."

"Yup. So, you have no problem na? Please don't disagree I already have given her words."

"Acha, seems like you are going to listen to me if I disagree?"

"Dadi, when have I disobeyed you?"

"Acha, acha I was just joking. She is your best friend and coming here for the first time. Obviously, we are the ones to help her."

"Thanks, Dadi. I love you." She said cheerfully.

"Moreover, I also need my brain to rest. Once she comes you will start eating her head."

"Acha? Don't be too happy. You have no idea of my eating capabilities."

And with this, they laughed together. And the night just ended with the same rhythm.

Next Morning

As I entered the office a familiar face came into my view.

What is he doing here? Come on Anu it's his friend's company obviously he is here to meet her.

I just ignored him and rushed towards the lift. But to my bad luck, Rahul hurried into just it was going to close.

Why God why? Why every time you need to put me in such an uncomfortable situation?

"Why are you running from me like this every time?"

"Who told you I'm running?"

"I saw you noticed me. But you just showed up as you don't know me and hurried here."

"So, what should I do?"

"I don't know. Just don't run away from me like that. I feel more guilty."
He said with a sad face.

"Ananya, trust me I never thought that we would end up like that."

"Then what you thought?"

The lift reached my floor. I came out.

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