Chapter 5

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Arjun's p.o.v.

As I reached I searched for Rahul. There he is in his room sitting silently.


"Arjun, hey how are you?" He smiled seeing me. We hugged.

"Are you sure it's your engagement today?" We broke the hug.

He raised his eyebrows. "What?"

"You don't seem to be happy. Your face is like you have committed a crime and now you have to go to jail. Or is it normal for every boy to be like this before their engagement ? Like really?"

"Hey stop it." He laughed a little at my words.

"There is nothing like that. I am fine."

"You are fine but you are not happy. Ok jokes apart, what's the problem? Why are you looking sad? Don't you want this engagement? You don't like the girl?"

"Ok ok now stop. Lot of questions. There is nothing like that I told you Arjun. I am happy and Ananya is a very nice girl. You are just overthinking."

"No I'm not. I know you very well. Look if you don't want this marriage just don't do it forcefully. It's about a lifetime commitment and if you don't love her how will you make this marriage work?
Ok, at starting you will pretend but for how long? You just can't act like this your whole life."


"Rahul!! There is literally no need of doing this unnecessary pretending and all that. You are not going to be a great man or anything like that rather it'll be a betrayal for her. None of you deserve to lead a life depends on pretending. You two are completely different person and deserve to live a happy life. It's not late yet. Just think and take the right decision. Don't do any stupi..."

"Arey Arjun, when did you come? How are you?"

" Just 20 minutes ago. I am fine, aunty. How are you?" I took her blessings. Rahul's mom is like a mother to me.

"So what you two were discussing?"

"Nothing important. We were having just some random talks." Rahul replied.

"Ok, Arjun beta can you do something for me?"

"Anything for you, Aunty. You, just order me."

She smiled." Thanks beta, there are some sweets packets. You have to take those to the engagement venue. Can you?"

"Definitely I can. Don't worry. I'll take them."

"Ok come to the downstairs. I shall give the packets to you and also the address of the venue. Come, let's go."

"After you."

"Bye, Rahul. Think carefully about my words."

And I left.

I reached the resort. But there are so many villas in this resort and it seemed the resort has been built up through a large area. And it's looking quite tough to find the rented villa for the engagement party among all this. I started walking. After almost 3 minutes I decided to ask someone.

"Excuse me, are you looking for something?" A sweet, soft voice came to my ears making me stick to my place. I turned.

I felt like some fresh air passed through my stormy mind. It's like suddenly I was totally relaxed, calm. I was like hypnotised as I stopped by a pair of black beautiful eyes filled up with a pool of innocence looking at me with a questioning look. No actually I can't identify the actual emotion in those two pools holding. I was just drowning in them and I don't know swimming.

What!! Swimming, drowning, day by day I am getting totally mad.

"Yes?" I asked the girl. She is wearing a sleeveless white kurti with a yellow leggings. Finally I took a quick glance of her from head to toe except just only those eyes.

"Are you looking for something?"

"Oh, yeah. Actually there is an engagement party going to take place in this resort today. But the resort is so large that I can't find out the actual villa."

"So you have come for today's engagement party?"


She smiled. It seemed like I am going to zone out again. But she saved me.

"I guess you are from Rahul's side. How are you related to him?"

"We are very good friends."

"Ok, let me help you then. Just go straight and you can see there is a right turn behind that villa , take that turn, walk straight, then again a left turn, after that you can see a pool, near the pool you will see a decorated villa. There is your destination." All the time there was a soft smile on her face.


My phone started ringing.

"Excuse me,"


"Hello, Aunty."

"Hello, Arjun have you delivered them?"

"No, Aunty still not. Actually I have reached the resort but I was looking for the villa. I couldn't find it."

"Oh, so sorry. I am telling you.."

"Don't need. I think I have found out. Someone helped me to find out."

I turned to her. But she already left.


" A beautiful stranger. "

I almost whispered.

"Oh god, not bad, my boy. You have just reached and already meeting beautiful strangers here."

I realised what I just said.

"Oh, no. It's nothing aunty. Maybe she is someone from bride's side."

"Hmm. It seems like another love story is going to start tonight. If you agree I will get you married also along with Rahul-Ananya. My both sons will get married on the same day. It will be fun."

And she started again.

"Aunty, I have to deliver these packets. Talk to you later. Bye."

"Ok, bye beta." I cut the call.

I don't know why but a small smile crept on my lips unknowingly hearing her words. Usually I get irritated with this marriage staffs and all. But today...

I took steps towards my 'destination' .

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