Chapter 27

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Arjun's p.o.v.

"Dad, why do I need to stay an extra day here? I can easily take a flight just after the meeting ends. Living here an extra day doesn't make any sense. It's just a waste of time. Don't know why I need to book the flight after one day."

"Oh, come on Arjun! Since when have you become like this? Who were always fond of traveling, and adventure and he is now saying this? Listen, forget everything and enjoy the last day, and visit some places. Come on my boy don't be so boring. Work is not running away. And moreover, your assistant may wish to visit a little. You have to do your packing also."

"I don't need a whole day for packing. And moreover, I can visit later also."

"Acha tell me, why I am smelling something else? Does work only the reason....or.."

"Really Dad? I thought you are also missing me. But no. I think I should have stayed not only 1 day but at least 1 week here. Bye."

"Arrey, Arjun..."

I cut the phone. Smelling something else! Hu! It's of no use of talking to him.

I threw the phone on the bed and let my body fall on the bed also.

The whole time I was so pissed off I don't know why. I covered my face with my both palm. I was confused. No matter how many times I decide to get rid of this unknown emotion but when the time comes I always end up overreacting. I recalled the whole time how I became restless after I get to know about her being with Rahul.

Infatuation! It's just a game of infatuation. I am infatuated with her. And it's not the first time that I am infatuated with someone. Yeah, maybe I never felt this much insecure about anyone before. But she will also be out of my mind like others.


Ananya's p.o.v.

I packed the Dreamcatcher which I made for him after failing to decide what to gift him. So, at last, I thought to make this. Yeah, I have bought a flowering succulent plant too. I don't know if he is going to like any of my gifts.

Finally, he is joining the office today. And I don't know why but somehow an excitement is playing within me. But also a little tensed about the gift.

I got ready in a red sleeveless kurti and white palazzo. I kept my hair loose except by tucking two hairpins on both sides of my hair so those little curls don't fall on my face.

Oh yeah, I have one more thing with me,
Rahul's blazer which I shall return to him today. After that night I didn't meet him again. We just talked on the phone. He is coming to our office today to meet him.

After I reached I greeted the receptionist and entered the lift. It was going to close but someone stopped it, Rahul.

"Why were you running? You can use the VIP one."

"Maybe but leave it. I saw you entering so thought to catch up with you."

"Last time also you entered like this."

"Yeah, I think it has become my habit to catch lift running."

"Oh, I have taken your blazer with me. Let me give it back to you."

"Oh, Anu it was not needed."

"I know you have enough but...."

"Ok, I will take it. But before that, I wanna say you something."

"We are having a little get-together tonight as Arjun has returned. Please come."

"I think I can't."

The lift rang the alarm of reaching my floor. I forwarded to get out but I was stopped. I turned to see Rahul holding my arm.

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