Chapter 22

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Third person's p.o.v.

"Dadi, what happened to you?" Ananya started shrieking seeing her condition.

She has fainted and her head had started bleeding.

She started shaking her.

"Ananya get a glass of water, quick."
She brought the jug from nearby and both of them started splashing water.
Ananya her everything was getting numb.

"Dadi woke up please Dadi." Her tears started rolling down uncontrollably.

"Ananya it's not the time of panicking. She is injured. We need to take her hospital as soon as possible."

They picked her up and rushed to the nearby hospital.

"Doctor please look at her... She is the only person I have. Please save her."

Arjun turned towards the person beside her. Her miserable condition hit him hard somewhere. He gripped her hand.

"Ananya, let them look at her. She will be fine."

He made her sit nearby and took a sit beside her. He took her shaking palm in his. He knows right now she just needed someone to comfort her and he needed to give her that comfort.

"Calm down Ananya, they are treating her. She will be fine. Just keep patience. Everything will be all right. It has to be."

He tried to calm down sobbing Ananya.

"If her illness is making you weak then you have to be strong also that she can recover soon. You are her strength, Ananya."

After some time, the doctor came out. Both of them stood up.

"How is she? What happened to her? Has she gained consciousness?"
Ananya asked with concern.

"Calm down. She is fine. Her blood pressure was so low and maybe as an outcome she fainted and probably that time she got injured. And one more thing she might be not taking her meal properly. So, you have to take care of that."

"Can I see her?"

"Yeah, sure."

She turned towards Arjun. He nodded.

She went inside. Her Dadi was sleeping on the bed peacefully. She sat beside her. She slowly took her hand. Dadi opened her eyes at her touch.

"I'm fine now. Don't look at me like I'm gonna die soon."

"Dadi, I'm not in the mood of joking. You don't need to take it. You take rest."

"Tell me when are you going to take me from this jail?"

"I'm not going to. You are going to stay here. Why didn't you take your food properly? This is your punishment."

"I knew it. I always knew it. You want to get rid of this old woman, na?" She said dramatically.

"Yaar, Dadi, ok I won't say anything to you, bad girl!" Ananya started with an annoyed face.

Dadi-poti (granddaughter) acted to be serious for some moment and the next moment the hospital room filled up with their laugh.

Arjun's phone started vibrating.

"Hello, Dad."

"Arjun, where are you? It's already 7:45. Do you remember you have a flight at noon tomorrow." Dinesh said with a little anger.

"Dad, I have just got some work to do. Once I'm done, I will be back. Moreover, my packing is done. So don't worry."

"That's ok. But when are you coming?"

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