Chapter 45

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Ok before the chapter starts I wanna say sorry to you all for not giving updates regularly 😟. But my studies are going on and I often get busy with those. So please forgive me🙏. Hope you will bear with me🥺

"So I have put ice cream in that slippy tongue of yours so I would expect to keep it shut."

Ananya demanded peeping through car windows while licking the remaining ice cream.

"You still remember those stuff when we used to do as kids! Every time one of us commits something wicked how we used to seal each other's mouth so that parents couldn't get to know."

"Uu hu, I remember everything."


His words cut midway.

"Don't tell me some storm just passed by us."

Ananya stood up taking some steps towards the gate following the car but couldn't see the rider. She stood at the gate with a wide irritated face.

"Hope he ends up alive. By the way, who's that?" Rahul joined her.

"Obviously some idiot, stupid who thinks himself some hero. Couldn't make his place in car racing so here showing his heroism."

"You haven't seen him?"

"You thought it was possible! But seems like not from this building or someone new. Leave it."

"Ok bye."

"Won't you come inside?"

"No, another day. I have to go now."

"Bye then."


After Rahul left Ananya walked up to her flat. On entering her phone started screaming signing its presence. An arch formed on her forehead noticing the caller ID.



"Hi, so where are you?"

"At my place, why?"

"No just asking, you were not feeling well. I was worried if you could reach home safely or not. So when did you reach?"

"When...just after some time...I mean.." she quickly checked her watch. It was almost 8.

"Yeah around 6:30. Why?"

"How are you now?"

"Umm fine. I'm totally fine."

"Ok. Take rest. Bye"


Neha opened the door.

"Hey, where were you?"

"Ra..." She paused midway.

No, if I say I went to meet him she will unnecessarily open her question bank, why what how!

"Office! But.."


"Nothing, come inside."


Ananya's pov

The next day when I reached the office I found his office empty. He didn't come even after 2 hours. But it's just not looking normal to me. I dialed him but it was switched off. Everything seemed to be so dull. Even the sky has joined it with its cloudy makeup.

I came back to my office and sat down on my chair. Was he supposed to have some work outside? Well as his PA I should know this.

I immediately checked my Gmail and found his mail regarding my work today. But where is he?

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