Chapter 11

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Ananya's p.o.v.

Finally it's Monday morning. I wore a brown colour solid full sleeve kurti with a off white colour leggings. I tugged my hair loosely with a clachar.

Today is again my first day in a new company. No it's not the same as previous first days. It's that Arjun. I am going to work for him that too as his PA. Both of us had a very bad impression on our first sorry second meeting. And honestly a little part of my heart still hates him. But he might have forgotten me. After all it's almost 6 month after that day.

As I reached the office my heart started beating in fast rate. This office is also nothing less than the previous one. I went to the reception. The reception girl with her formal smile asked me
"Good morning Ma'am. How can I help you?"

"My name is Ananya Roy. I am joining here today as PA of Mr. Singhania. This is my official joining letter." I hand over the letter to her.

She checked it.

"Ok. Please wait a minute Ms Roy." Then she made a phone call.

"Well Mr. Mehra is coming to receive you. Till then you can wait here."

"Thank you."

We smiled at each other. She is really a pretty girl with a soothing voice.

"By the way I'm Aditi."

"Hi Aditi, I'm .. well you already know."

"Yeah Ananya. Oh, Mr. Mehra is coming. Congratulations and all the best for your new job, Ananya."

"Thanks Aditi."

A handsome, tall man of nearly 4-5 years older to me appeared.

"Good morning, Ms Roy."

"Good morning, Sir."

"Come follow me."

Then we entered the lift and reached to the 10th floor.

"By the way I'm Avinash Mehra, the manager."

"Hello Sir, I'm Ananya Roy."

"I know. Well, you can call me Avinash." He said me with a charming smile.


"I am going to introduce you with your boss that means MD of this company, Arjun Singhania. Are you nervous? Don't worry. Everything will be fine and congratulations and all the best for your new job."

"Thank you sir."

He knocked on the door of the cabin.

I am hell nervous. Please God don't let him recognise me.

"Come in." A husky deep voice came.

"Good morning, Arjun."


He replied looking keeping his eyes in the laptop typing something.

The cabin is quite large, with impressive interior design. A sofa set is also present there. There is a very soothing, peaceful atmosphere inside the cabin. By the glass wall behind you can see the city also.

"Here is your new PA Ms Ananya Roy."

He stopped midway and looked up.

My heart started beating so fast that I can hear it. No please no.

He looked directly into me. I am gone.

Suddenly something started ringing.

"Excuse me, it's an important call." Avinash went out to receive his call.

And his eyes came back to me. What the hell. Is he dumb. He is looking at me like I am some mysterious creature. Last time when I checked he was nothing but a bomb. Mr. Bomb turned Mr Dumb.

But his next words cleared all my doubts.

"Aren't you that rejected bride?" He smirked reaching to the ultimate stage of my irritation. Calm down Ananya. Act smart. Don't loose your confidence.

"Personal assistant,Sir. I am your ne PA. Just have joined today."

He raised his left eyebrows ben

"Hmm interesting. So Ms...what.. PA.."

"Ananya Roy. It's Ananya Roy sir."

"Umm.. Ms whatever.. what do you is it going to be easy working with me."

Obviously not.

" Sir, nothing is easy at first. But if we work hard, give our 100% nothing is going to be that difficult also."

"200%... We need your 200%. 100% is not enough now a days."

Obviously he has to cut me.

"Yes Sir. I will."

Suddenly he stood up from his chair and came infront of me.

"Well, tell me one thing aren't you scared?"

I looked at him questioningly. He came one more step close to me.

"I am a spoilt brat what if you also get spoilt by me?" He smirked again.

"Then I will also start a company, will become CEO of that Company and will ask my PA the same question. Like guru(teacher) like shishya(student). So there is nothing to be afraid of."


"No thanks."

"I am not asking you. I am asking for mine. You are my assistant so it's your responsibility to make me coffee."

I came back to my senses.

"Sorry Sir. Your coffee will be right there."

I came out of his cabin and take a deep breath. This newspapers, magazines show totally wrong thing. Is it the sign of being humble, gentle, ideal bla bla bla. From which side this conversation was looking like a conversation between a CEO and his employee. I don't know how I am going to bear him everyday from now on.

But now I have to make coffee for him. But where I have no idea and to my luck Avinash arrived with a boy. I asked him. He gave me the direction of canteen.

"Ok. First you prepare the coffee and give him. And meet Rakesh. He works under me. He will show you your cabin after that and Rakesh this Ananya, new PA of Arjun sir."

We greeted each other. And then both of them vanished again to their destination and me to mine.

After taking the coffee I headed to that irritating place again.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Here is your coffee, sir."

He took it. As soon as he took the first sip looked like he was going to throw the cup but stopped and instead started shouting "what is this? Why this much sugar in it? I want black coffee with no sugar."

"Sorry Sir I have no idea about this. It won't happen again."

"Sorry means you are my PA and it's your responsibility to be aware of this. Get me another one. Fast."

"Yes Sir." I came out.

Oh God this man is totally insane. I am not sure about getting spoilt but I will become mad for sure.

Friends Please vote na🙂, I am confused should I continue this story or not. Please let me know this then I will stop and thanks to all those friends who have voted for my story☺️.

And please be safe and stay healthy, happy always.

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