Chapter 53

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The next day started with a very busy schedule. Everyone was busy finishing their job and leaving the office to get ready for the party in the evening. Ananya didn't get time to have a personal talk with Arjun. The work pressure made them forget everything. 

Finally, the time for the party arrived. Ananya took a long shower. Today, she decided to go for a brown gown with spaghetti strap and to match with it the bracelet. She glanced at the beautiful gift shining on her wrist. She touched her lips against it. 

She reached the office around 6. The party was taking place in the adjacent small garden place beside the office building. When she entered her curious eyes searched for one face. An excitement filled with tension, filled her mind in anticipation to see him.

What will he think when he will see her? Would he love her looks? And the bracelet, would his eyes dazzle seeing her wearing his gift. 

While talking to some other staff she finally noticed a pair of eyes scanning her from afar. He was dressed impeccably in his Armani black suit talking with his father. Rahul and Trivedi Uncle were present there too. As their eyes locked with each other Arjun raised his glass in a toast to her. His action was so subtle for a third person to notice. The mischievous glint floating in his eyes was enough to make her blush like a teenage girl. 

She turned her eyes away before anyone could notice their connection. 

Almost one hour passed but Ananya could hardly get the chance to talk to him, only while greeting him. But his father was there. 

Ananya got bored with the party. Suddenly she felt someone come standing beside him. It was Rahul. They smiled at each other.

"You look beautiful, Anu, and I might say different too."

Ananya chuckled at his compliment. "Different? How?" She asked curiously.

"You have started glowing more. Not that you were not glowing earlier but there is a change. Your smile looked more radiant. Your eyes, they looked carefree. Smile more often, Anu. It suits you." Rahul said while staring at her. Ananya felt her cheeks grow warm under his gaze while she looked up into his eyes. She cleared her throat to clear the tension, suddenly feeling awkward. 

"Thanks, but you are not looking bad either." She said, a little flushed. "How is your sister and everyone else?" She decided to change the topic. 

"They are good. Pooja misses you. Mom also asks about you. Why don't you visit our house anymore, Anu?"

"Umm, I was a little busy these days."

"That sounds like an excuse. Is it our past? I thought I was forgiven."

"No, Rahul it's nothing like that. Whatever it had been between us your family was always good to me. All of them. Our mothers were friends and Pooja, she's like a sister to me. Tell her I miss her too. Maybe I shall come to meet her someday."

"And me? I mean am I really forgiven?"

Ananya can hear the guilt in his voice. He made a mistake but she felt happy that he knew what he did was wrong. And that's why she had already gotten past those misunderstandings. After all, they had been very good friends before their engagement and it's of no use to hold a grudge.

"Rahul, just forget those incidents ever happened. I think at least you were genuine enough to say it to me directly rather than taking some other drastic steps or using someone else. So, let's just end this topic here. By the way, Dhiraj uncle came to meet us yesterday."

"Oh, that's good." Ananya noticed the sadness in his eyes at the mention of Dhiraj's name.

"What happened?" She asked concernedly.

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