Chapter 51

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Getting the recent project was a huge success for a not-so-old company. The next morning, Arjun made an announcement.

"Hello, everyone, we would be happy to let you know that our company has cracked one of the biggest deals. Yes, we got it. But it doesn't end here, it's just the beginning. We have to show them that we deserve it. So keep up the good work going on. But, but, that doesn't mean we wouldn't celebrate it. We are going to a small success party next Saturday evening. I invite you all to attend along with your family. So, that's all."

The whole office started clapping at the good news and for the party. The excitement touched everyone with the staff started chattering among them.

In the midst of all these Ananya saw the glow on the man's face. He was happy, truly happy. She couldn't say and that made her happy.

Ananya was about to enter his cabin when she heard him talking to his father excitedly.

"Dad, you won't believe we got the deal. The client was a tough nut but he doesn't know that I am a tough nut too."

Ananya couldn't help smiling hearing him talking about his achievements to his father like a kid telling his parents about him being first in class.

Arjun was facing the window and engrossed in talking. She slowly entered with the lunch.

As Arjun turned after ending the call he saw the woman of his life leaning against the door watching her amusingly.

She was looking extra gorgeous today with the white shirt tugged under the blue jeans with her high heels on. Her hair was held in a ponytail showing the skin of her neck. Pearl's earrings were cherishing her ears. He couldn't help but stare at her pink lips. The bare skin of her collarbone was calling him like a magnet to touch his lips there, bite there. He gulped. Desire consumed him as his thoughts got more sinful when his eyes moved towards her chest which got lost behind the shirt. His fingers tickled to tug at those buttons that were hindering the view. Damn, he wanted her, he wanted her so bad.

Ananya raised her one brow noticing him staring at her. When he didn't stop she cleared her throat. He finally came to his sense and smiled at her.

"Sneaking in your boss's cabin?" Amusement laced his voice.

"You were busy. So I just helped myself." Ananya said shrugging, finally removing herself from the door. She came forward and pointed at the lunch packets.

"I brought lunch for you."

Arjun came behind her. He hugged her from behind snuggling his nose in her neck.

"Hmm," Ananya shivered at his humming. He was touching her but not fully. His lips hovered over her skin but not kissing. Her mind was desperate for his caressing her sensitive skin.

"We are having lunch together?" Arjun asked still holding her.

"No," she said breathlessly. She needs to get a grip. Ananya scolded herself in her mind.

"Why not? Aren't you eating?" Arjun asked again.

Ananya freed herself from his embrace despite his protest and turned toward him.

"We are in the office. What will others think? It won't be right."

Hearing her words Arjun locked the door of his cabin. Ananya looked at him in confusion.

"Now, no one will see it." He said smilingly.

"So, where is your lunch? We need to get it from your office?" Arjun asked.

"No, it's here. With yours?" Ananya said.

"And you didn't want to have lunch with me?" Arjun smirked while questioning her.

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