Chapter 23

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"And one more thing, don't tell her that I have told you this?"

"Don't worry. I won't. By the way when is your flight tomorrow?"

"1:30 at noon."

"Wow. So, all the best. Have a safe journey."

"Ok, bye."

After being aware about Dadi's condition Rahul rushed to the hospital that night.


Ananya was in deep thought sitting outside the cabin. She was snapped out at his voice.

"Yeah... wait... what are you doing here?"

"That's not important. How is she now?"

"She is fine now." She replied tilting her face in the other direction.

"You didn't tell the reason for your coming."

"I just can't sit behind after learning her condition. So, it's better if I stay here."

"Have I told you that I need your help?"

"No, you never told me anything. But I will be here. I don't need to be asked for help from you about this matter. Say whatever you want to say to me but please don't tell me to go. Because I still think of you as my best friend and she is my Dadi too. You can hate me but I can't leave you and Dadi alone here."

"Ok. Leave it. Do you think Dadi will be happy seeing you?"

"No, she is not supposed to be. But it's my last chance to ask for forgiveness from her."

"Really! I am quite fed up with you. I can't argue more. Do whatever you want."

With that, Ananya turned her face to the other side.

Thank you. At least you talked to me. That's enough for me. Rahul said in her mind.

It's morning. They spend the morning at the hall provided for the patients' families.

Rahul opened his eyes slowly. He felt a mere pressure on his left shoulder. As he tried to move, he noticed Ananya sleeping on his shoulder.

He stopped seeing her sleeping peacefully. For a moment he stopped and saw her carefully. Her tired face, closed eyes, dry lips, a sign of tension on her forehead, long eyelashes, and loose hair roaming freely on her face. And the innocence evident on her face can melt anyone's heart.

He tried to be as stiff as he can. But she started moving. Her eyelids slowly gave way for light to enter in her eyes and they made with a pair of eyes looking at her. As soon as she realized the owner of those eyes she jerked up.

There was an awkward silence between them.

"Ah!" Ananya's neck was paining due to her sleeping position.

"Ananya, are you ok?"

"I'm fine. It's just my back is paining. I need to go to Dadi."

She stood up and made her way.

"Good morning, Dadi. She has awakened already."

"How can it be good when my morning starts with lying in this jail?"

"But it's your punishment. And no one can escape punishment."

"You? What are you doing here?" Suddenly she started screaming seeing something behind.

Ananya realized Rahul has entered the cabin and that's why Dadi is reacting."

"Dadi. Please don't shout. It will be bad for your health. Please calm down."

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