Quick Visits

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The way a PR relationship works, even though you didn't sign up for it, is you just ignore the fact that pictures were taken.  That's what I was told, by Chris, and by Henry and Scott, but it wasn't something I was comfortable with.  This meant I was still keeping Chris and my feelings for him at arm's length, not wanting to risk what we had already established.  I didn't want to seem like I was stringing him along, but I also didn't want to be hurt either.  My mind likes to play tricks on my paranoid self, so I didn't want to go further with Chris and then pull back because I second guessed what we had. 

Those pictures of Chris and his co-star hurt, it was better after I knew the truth, but I was flabbergasted that it hit me so hard, showing me I had fallen as hard as I had already.  Our FaceTimes and texting continued. Actually, it increased.  We hadn't discussed a relationship as much as we just kind of kept going with our friendship and a lot of flirting.  He was busy working and I had the coffee shop, and the same continued with Scott too but we all connected constantly.  Chris and I talked more frequently and usually ended up talking to each other as we were ending the day.  The call usually ended when one of us fell asleep on the other side of the phone.

It had been a good while since we had physically seen one another. The last time  had been when I went home with Scott and we stayed with Chris. 

Even though in the next few weeks things on the island would start to slow down, it had been a little crazy lately with it being the end of the vacation season.  I had been filling in wherever I needed to when the traffic was heavy.  As I moved through the line filling orders, I saw a familiar NASA hat before I saw the face.  Once the shock wore off, my voice caught up.  "Scotty!"

Running from behind the counter, I made my way to Scott and his arms engulfed me in a huge hug.  Needless to say everyone turned and watched after hearing the commotion and Scott's laughing.  I heard Rachel ask one of the employees to take  over my spot behind the counter for me so I grabbed Scott's hand.  I started walking toward the back where the screened porch was with the tables we usually sat at when he was here. 

Once I turned the corner to make our way to the far end away from people, I looked up to be met by another familiar smiling face under a ball cap.  Next I heard that deep, booming laugh that I loved and Chris already had his arms open, making grabby hands for me.  I felt Scott let go of my hand right when I made my first step of only about five toward Chris. 

He bent down a little so we were eye level to one another by the time I reached him and I wrapped my arms around his neck.  I'm guessing he was this way so he could lift me off the ground because he did just that.  Breathing him in, I was giggling as I felt him smelling my hair.  My legs had automatically wrapped around his waist, I had no intentions of letting go until he pulled back first.  When he did, I was once again met by that smile as he spoke quietly.  "Miss me?"

"Of course.  It's kind of scary how well you can lurk around corners in the shadows though."

"Well, you know, there's only so much a hat and sunglasses can do to help keep a low profile, unless you'd like to wait around while I take pictures with people."

"Nope.  No sharing. Keep lurking."

Scott interrupted us after he stopped giggling at us.  "So, got room for two to crash?"

"You don't even have to ask."

"Well, duh?  I was just being polite."

Chris laughed at his brother as he placed his hands in his pocket and Scott put his arm around me to finish his thought.  "Can you blow this popsicle stand now or do we need to wait for a while?  Either way is fine, as long as we get to see this smiling face of yours."

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