I'm Happy

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Once my dad got back from the store, we started settling down for supper.  I could feel my parents watching me with goofy grins on their faces and I tried to ignore it.  They hadn't seen me like this with a guy since that brief time with Calvin, even though my guard was still up,  so I understood, but it was unnerving.  We were halfway through dinner when I couldn't take it any longer. 

"I love you both, but can you stop looking at me like that?"

My dad looked down with a grin but my mom spoke up. "I'm sorry, but it's so nice to see you like this.  The two of you seem so comfortable together, so happy."

"I am happy." 

Chris smiled and chimed in.  "I do want you guys to know, I'm really sorry it took so long to finally meet in person.  Between my work schedule and Y/N's, it's hard enough trying to line up with each other."

Before my parents could even ask how we would deal with that, I decided to get that out of the way.  "The coffee shop is doing really well though, and I made Rachel the manager while I'm away, so she will probably keep that job once the off-season is over so I have more time off.  But, until then, I am going to have some time to travel if I need to in order to see Chris while he is working."

Before I even finished my sentence, I knew I put my foot in my mouth as my dad spoke up.  "Does your new found extra time include coming home more now that your business is regular?"

"Yes it does.  I know I haven't been the best at visiting, but this past year I think I finally staffed the shop with some really good and reliable employees that I can depend on and trust."

My mom tried to lighten the mood back up since she could tell I was getting agitated with being scolded for my lack of being around over the years.  "So, Chris, Scott, how did you enjoy spending time at Calvin's?"

Scott went into all the details of everything we did from the time the two of them surprised me in Australia at Henry's function.  I had finished eating, but as soon as I saw Chris lay his fork down, I reached for his hand under the table and rested our clasped hands on his thigh.  Once again, I saw the glimmer in my parents' eyes.  "I really am happy.  I know it's something you both thought you'd never see again, but he kind of snuck in and grew on me."

Chris chuckled.  "I actually didn't back down.  I just kept coming around, but she does have other admirer's out there you know."

"Please do not go there.  Tommy is just..... Tommy.  There has never been any kind of attraction to him for me.  He just tends to forget sometimes."

I had not told my parents who we had run into or that I had spoken with him.  I didn't tell them that Chris and Scott knew him either so I figured I would go ahead and spill the beans, hoping someone else around town hadn't heard and told them.

"While we're on the topic of admirer's and how happy I am with Chris, I guess I need to let you know about something else.  I confronted and put my past behind me recently as well.  The three of us ran into Nicky at a benefit we were at."

Both of my parents stared, definitely giving me their undivided attention and seemed unaware of the situation.  That made me feel less guilty about not saying anything yet.  Since they said nothing, obviously waiting for the rest, I told them everything that was said and that I was better for it happening.  They seemed very pleased in how I handled it, but they were glad I wasn't alone when it happened.  "That was actually the night that I told Chris I was ready to be in a relationship."

Of course Scott had to put in his own words.  "And the rest is history because I think these two were destined to meet and fall in love and be together forever.  They really are perfect together."

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