Neighbors, Kind Of

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It had been about a week since I met Scott and he actually did come in every morning for coffee.  He had bought a few of the books in the shop and would stay and read for a while.  I would come sit with him after the morning rush and we hit it off so well, it felt like I had known him for years.  He was so easy to talk to and was hilarious.  There were a few sites that he had ventured out to and would talk about it the next day. 

That Friday afternoon I decided to fish from the dock just to relax and maybe catch something for dinner.  Looking down around the dock, I was just seeing if I saw anything swimming or any damage from yesterday's storm when I heard somebody scream my name.

"Y/N!  Oh my goodness!  It is you!"


How had he been staying directly across the canal and we hadn't seen each other?  We must have just missed each other or he hadn't come out there that much.  He came down the steps from the screened porch he was sitting on.  I saw movement from beside where he was sitting but didn't pay too much attention to it.  I moved to sit down on my dock, laying my pole beside me as Scott made his way to sit on his dock to talk. 

"So we're kinda like neighbors!"

I giggled at his excitement.  "Yeah, canal mates."

The canal wasn't too wide.  We didn't even have to scream to hear each other while we talked.  I saw a cute dog follow him down so I asked about it.  "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, this is Dodger!  He's technically my brother's dog but kind of like the family dog too."

That's when it hit me all at once!  The feeling I had about Scott, like I knew him from somewhere, it was because he looked similar to his brother.  As soon as the realization hit me, I saw said brother coming down the steps to join his brother.  I tried to collect my senses and not be a fangirl.  I used to be very much into the Marvel movies, I've seen them all.  When I mean a fan, I mean I have a few tattoos and one of them is a tiny little Captain America shield on the underside of my wrist.  I had some bracelets that I always wore so it wasn't always visible.  The kind that the proceeds go to different wildlife or symbolize things.  Basically, surf shop bracelets people buy at the beach.  Was it better to just not hide the fact that I knew who he was?  That's what I decided to do.

"You're brother, I'm assuming?"  I nodded to the very attractive and well built man coming up behind Scott who I knew was Chris Evans. Even with sunglasses and a Boston baseball hat on, I could tell who he was as he walked down to the pier where his dog and brother were.  If I thought he was hot in the movies, oh my.  He was even more fine in person.  "I guess that's why you looked so familiar to me when we first met.  Not sure why I didn't put it together then, I knew I had seen you before."

The gorgeous man waved as he spoke and came to sit by his brother.  "Hi."

Dodger moved over, wagging his tail, to sit between them as he hung his head off the side of the dock to look at what I assumed were the minnows swimming around.  Stay calm, stay calm.  I could feel my face starting to get warm from the blush I was getting.  People always ask how I can tolerate how good Calvin looks and stay just friends.  I was totally understanding what they meant now while I was in somewhat close proximity to Chris Evans. 

Scott grinned.  "Chris, this is the girl I was telling you about from the coffee shop I've been going to.  Y/N, this is, well, I guess you already know, but this is Chris."

I had recovered my wits.  "Nice to meet you.  Yeah, I've grown accustomed to our morning coffee talks when Scott comes in."

Chris nodded with a smile and Scott chuckled before speaking up.  "I was gonna text you tonight actually to see when you have some time.  See what I rented?"  He pointed where two kayaks were tied to the side of the dock.  "I would love to meet your dolphin friends."

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