Australia Red Carpet - ✅

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Cameras were out in full force again but it wasn't as much of a frenzy. I mean, it was crazy, just not as chaotic as L.A. People were a bit more laid back. The fans were designated to a special section outside so they could catch glimpses of everyone as they arrived. The stars of the show were told to head to certain spots in order to sign things and take photos with them. This meant I would stay with Scott in a designated location while Chris did his thing. Calvin was going to stay near the Hemsworth's since he was arriving with them.  They had picked him up at our hotel right after we left.

As we made our way to the venue, I was constantly making sure I wasn't falling out of my dress. Deep down, I knew the dress was secure. Everytime I touched the fabric on my breasts, I felt Chris' eyes watching me. Finally Scott spoke up, sarcastically. "Oh, would you both just stoppit! Y/N, you look amazing and that dress fits you like a glove so it's not going anywhere. Embrace it! AND Chris! Your eyeballs keep falling out of the sockets they're supposed to be sitting in every time she looks down to check them herself. Just ask her if you can help her instead of staring if that will make you stop! I'm sure she'd let you fix her dress even though it hasn't moved."

Chris and I started laughing, but it was him that spoke up. "Megan said I can't touch, so Y/N, that should apply to you too. You're killin' me, I mean honestly, I'm having a hard time trying to concentrate on anything except you in that dress right now."

I couldn't contain the burst of laughter that came from me before joking with him. "That's not the only hard thing you have going on."

Scott lost control of his laughter and any ounce of composure he had. I was trying hard not to let tears spills from laughing along with Chris now as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. He smiled at me and whispered. "This is torture but I love you and your wit."

Reaching forward just a bit, I pecked his lips quickly and softly. "That kiss will be our little secret. I can't resist."

Right after that, our ride came to a stop. We were waiting in the car arriving right after Henry. The screams could be heard through our car even with the tinted windows up. The three of us got very quiet. I could see Ashley up ahead, overly animated with both hands waving. I wasn't sure if it was true, but in my head, most of the people were there for Chris and Henry. Leave it to her to think the attention was for her. It could just be because I had come to loathe her.

We pulled forward a little more and I could see Henry step out of the car. He made his way over to where the fans were lined up and took pictures and started signing things. Once he moved along a little so there would be a break between him and Chris, our car moved forward. Scott got out first, buttoned his suit coat and held out his hand. Chris made sure my dress moved how it was supposed to be and I reached for Scott's hand. Once my fingers touched his, I stepped out of the car with Chris still attending to the back of my dress so it laid perfectly as I left the car.

Once he was happy with how secure I was in place with Scott, who was waving at the fans already, Chris began to make his way out of the car. Before the door was shut by the driver, Chris buttoned his coat and as he stepped forward, he held out his elbow for me. I smiled and slipped my hand through his arm, beginning our walk toward the crowd.

I was sort of handed over to walk with Scott to the spot before the media line as Megan came to meet Chris so she could monitor the fan interactions and move Chris along when it was time. As soon as Chris started walking toward the crowd, it got loud, making me smile with pride. Looking toward the entryway we'd be waiting at, I saw Henry, along with the biggest smile I'd ever seen on him.

He walked back toward us, shaking his head, his mouth silently forming the word, 'WOW', repeatedly.  I was pretty sure this wasn't part of the plan and his manager's face proved my thoughts were correct as she followed behind him. He didn't acknowledge her though, walking straight to me, arms opened wide, hugging me as soon as he reached my personal space.  Over his shoulder, I could see Ashley up ahead in the interviews along with the interviewer and their camera looking our way. Probably trying to see what the commotion was about, Henry changing course or the fans yelling for Chris. Either way, she wasn't looking too pleased.

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