This Is Not Okay

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"What the fuck is he doing here?" The tone of Chris' voice was quiet but almost came out as a warning and a growl. A few people turned their heads but not too many. Mostly people within our group and Megan.

Chris went to take a step, but luckily he was already holding my hand. I grabbed ahold of him tighter, causing me to move forward a little as he moved, but it caught his attention enough that he stopped. Henry had moved forward beside me, almost as if he was going to be there to catch me if I fell. The lack of trust these men had in me wearing heels almost made me laugh. What it did though, was block the line of sight to Chris and I because Henry was like a human version of wall. Chris was focused on my face long enough for me to reach with my free hand and place it on his cheek to keep his attention.

"Hey. Look at me. Just me. Please don't let them ruin this. It's all a show to her and she's trying to push our buttons, so can we not give them what they want?"

Megan darted up beside us, nodding to Henry that he could move along to where he needed to be. She was telling Chris something, asking him to walk over to a spot less noticeable to talk. I couldn't hear much except the ringing in my ears from how mad I currently was. How many years had this man vanished from my life, only to show up when I am happier than I've ever been? It pissed me off and I intended to let Nicky know I was done being civil.

I assured Chris I was okay and he needed to go take the group picture with the cast.  Of course he didn't want to leave my side, worried Nicky would make his way over to me.

"Chris, I actually hope he does, then I can tell him what I think of him being here."

"I don't want him talking to you."

"Babe, you know I can take care of myself.  Please don't over think this."

"I'm not worried about you being able to take care of yourself.  Honestly, he doesn't deserve to see you up close in this dress."

"Is that what you're worried about?"


"That's ridiculous."

"Okay, that's not the only reason.  It's just like, this guy won't go away.  Does he want you back or something?"

I placed both hands on Chris' face, making him look at me.  "I doubt it, but it doesn't matter, does it?  Like you've said, I go home with you, this dress.  Just think, once we're done here, you're the one who gets to take the dress off.  Right?"

Chris slipped a sly grin on his lips before quietly speaking.  "Damn right."

"Okay then, go do your thing, and if he comes over here, I'll do mine.  You know he'd never physically hurt me and my parents are right around the corner with Scott and your family, so just go so it doesn't bring more attention that you're not there."

Henry waited for Chris, checking to make sure I was okay, and the two of them walked to the rest of the group for the pictures.

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