One More To Go

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Since traffic was so thick, it took longer to travel back to our hotel.  I wasn't sure how much sleep we'd even manage by the time we got in our room and tried to wind down from the party.  As soon as I laid my head on Chris's shoulder in the car, I must have fallen right to sleep though, because currently, I could barely hear his voice.

"We're here.  Hey sleepyhead?"

I must have really sacked out because everything was foggy.  It could be the alcohol or even just from being exhausted from the days before, but I tried to gather my surroundings.  Apparently it wasn't quick enough because the next thing I knew, someone was prying my shoe straps from my fingers where I was holding them and I was being lifted out of the car.  As soon as I was completely settled in place, I felt a breeze from the night air softly touch my face before a much better scent replaced it.  Chris.

He always smelled so good, tonight he was wearing some high dollar fragrance that he was asked to wear, but I could still smell his regular scent.  It was hard to say exactly what it was, his body soap, his laundry detergent, or just his pheromones that call to me.  Whatever it was, the aroma has always made me feel calm and complete.  I nestled into his shoulder as I heard him chuckle.  "I got you babe."  Then he placed a soft kiss to the top of my head as we began to enter the hotel. 

I heard the elevator ding, and I looked up to see Chris smiling down at me.  I returned the gesture before speaking.  "You can put me down now.  I'm fully awake."

"You're still shoeless though."

Scott laughed at his own though.  "I will now start calling you Joe!"

Chris and I looked at his brother with a puzzling expression prompting him to tell us why he had a nickname for me.  "Oh, COME ON!  CHRIS!  REALLY?  Shoeless Joe Jackson?"

Chris burst out in laughter and I followed, both of us shaking our heads.  We reached our floor and Chris continued carrying me to our door, even opening and walking through it with me in his arms.  Scott followed us in through our entrance and Chris finally put me down, removing his coat and laying it over the chair.  When I turned to get my shoes, Scott engulfed me in a hug and told me again how pretty I looked.  Chris kind of shooed him to the adjoining door and told him good night, as they both giggled and Scott questioned his big brother. 

"What's the rush Chris?"

I was giggling now too as I walked away from the two men, all three of us knowing exactly what his rush was.  He did go ahead and warn Scott though.  "I won't even try to be discreet about this because we all know what's going on here.  I've been waiting hours to peel that dress off her, so, goodnight.  See you in a few hours.  Oh, and maybe put some white noise on or something."

The next thing I knew, Chris almost nudged Scott the rest of the way through the door before shutting it.  He twisted the lock, before turning with a smirk, stalking back to me.  With one finger, he motioned for me to twirl so my back was facing him, so I did.  He moved my hair to the side and slowly unzipped my dress, placing gentle kisses along the way as it opened.  Once I felt the zipper nearing the end of its line, I moved my arms so the straps would just slide down and the entire dress would slip into a pool around my feet.   As soon as it did, I heard Chris whisper, "shit".

Before this minute, he didn't know yet that I was given yet another corset, bra and panty set in the color of this dress too. He slowly walked around me when I didn't turn, only to find me with a sly grin on my face.  His smile matched mine, as he reached around my waist to pull me to him in one swift move and address the surprise.  "You're teasing me, you know that right?"

"I've done nothing of the sort.  Your team, on the other hand, is who you need to speak with.  I just wear what I'm given."

"Oh yeah? Well, I'm not questioning anyone at all.  Hell, I may give them a raise, or start tipping them for the surprises they're hiding for me to find under the dresses they put you in."

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