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***i got carried away with this chapter and love it!***

After dinner, we moved to the living room just to sit around and talk while Calvin's dad turned the channels on the tv to a few different things.  He didn't see much on, so he just flipped around.  Chris and I were on the loveseat while Scott sat on the sofa with Lilah and Charlie.  Calvin sprawled out on the floor with Bodie. 

I could tell Chris was tired, and Scott had to be at least a little tired because he wasn't talking a mile a minute.  He was still talking though.  His brother on the other hand had laid his head on my shoulder and within seconds, I heard a heavier breathing coming from him.  Turning, I tried to shift gradually so I didn't wake him so he could be a little more comfortable.  My back was against the arm of the sofa so he could lay out a little better.  Once I shifted, his head rested on my chest while my legs were in his lap.

He didn't open his eyes and I wasn't sure if he was really awake, but he snaked his arms around me and snuggled in.  It was actually very comfortable.  I did catch the smirk on Scott's face and shook my head before bringing my hand up to run through Chris' hair while he laid there.

I closed my eyes for a minute because I was feeling tired as well.  When I opened them, I was in Chris' arms.  He was picking me up from the sofa before I spoke up.  "What's going on?"

"We both fell asleep so I was just getting ready to carry you to bed without waking you."

"Oh.  Well you were asleep so I closed my eyes for a minute."

"From what I'm told, we were out for an hour or so."

"I'm awake now, I can walk."

"I was looking forward to carrying you."


Chris carried me down the hall while I grasped my hands around his neck.  Walking into Calvin's room where we were staying,  he laid me down while rolling over me to lay down also.  We moved enough to get under the covers before we turned to face each other and Chris spoke through the darkness of the room.  "I can definitely get used to this."

I let out a content sigh.  "I can too."

We were both quiet for a moment before I felt his lips searching for mine.  Once we made contact, since we couldn't see much, it didn't take long for our tongues to find a steady rhythm together.  It didn't last too long since we were both obviously tired and Chris pulled away with one more kiss to my forehead before speaking.

"Alright, if we keep doing this I'm going to wake up more than I already am and wanna do something other than sleep."

Giggling I nestled down into his chest as he embraced me tighter and apparently fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, I woke up before Chris.  He was still catching up with time zones and jet lag so I tried to sneak out without waking him.  Succeeding, I stopped by the bathroom before making my way to the smell of bacon in the kitchen.  Calvin was sitting at the dining room  table with his dad and his mom was cooking breakfast.  I went into the kitchen to ask if I could help even though I knew the answer.  She shooed me into the dining room and I took a seat next to Calvin.  They told me Scott hadn't come out of his room either after asking me if Chris was still sleeping. 

Lilah made enough extra food for the two sleeping beauties when they got up before covering it and joining us at the table.  She leaned over to talk to me, but Calvin heard her when she told me that Chris was even more handsome in person and she didn't know how I could even keep my hands off him at all times.  Her son protested. 

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