Chapter 33. Tori's POV.

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Uhhhh, so ... Uhhhh it's been a little while. I apologise. I just haven't had the mental capacity to be able to look over a chapter and post it. I'm sorry.

Here, a new chapter.

-- -- -- --

Today, I was finally able to go home.

It had been a week since I woke up, and I've been desperate to go home since then.

Jade has been nothing but helpful to me and my needs despite the fact she wanted to go home too.

She didn't. She'd get her mum or my parents to bring in whatever we needed, she'd shower here, eat with me, bring me whatever I needed.

The stack of books beside my bed was ridiculous. She'd remembered that I mentioned wanting to read a series of books and bought the whole set, the branch off series and even the movie and tv series that went along with it.

We hadn't made it to the movie or TV series yet, I was only the fourth book into the series and addicted.

"You okay?" Jade asked, coming out of the bathroom freshly showered and dressed.

I nodded, putting the book down after placing the page marker into it.

"Ready to go."

"Me too, I can't wait to go home and cuddle properly with you."

I smiled and stood from my spot on the edge of the bed, making my way over to Jade. "I love you, Jade."

"I love you too, Vega," she said softly and wrapped her arm around me, pressing a kiss to my forehead, causing my heart to speed up.

Whenever she kissed me, no matter where it was my heart would always race. Or when she called me, or text me... Anything Jade does sets my heart off really.

Someone cleared their throat, so Jade and I both turned to the door. "Hey, Alice," I said, smiling at Jade's mother.

"Hey, nice to see they're letting you go. Are you two ready?"

I nodded and picked my book up, tucking it into the backpack Jade was packing the rest of our books into. One handed. She still wouldn't let me help even though she only had one arm.

"Ready," Jade said.

I double-checked that nothing had dropped on the floor, under the bed or in the bathroom as we made our way out.

"I'm so hungry. Can we get some pickles? Oh, and peanut butter? And Carrots?" I asked, looking at Jade hopefully.

Jade smiled, sliding her arm around my waist after she handed the bags to Alice at her insistent look and hand gesture. "Sure, Vega. I'll get you whatever you want. But first, we'll get you home, okay? Aoife and Riley are dying to see you."


My heart was beaming, I could feel it. And so was I, so much that my cheeks hurt.

"You're the best wife ever."

"No, that's you," Jade said, giving my side a soft tug to pull me closer to her.

-- -- -- --

Curled up next to Jade, Aoife at our feet with Riley laying across our laps, I felt safe with her arm around me.

I had one of my hands resting in Riley's hair, slowly stroking my fingers through it. He didn't seem to mind, and even whined when I stopped briefly a while ago.

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