Chapter 3. Jade's POV.

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When Monday rolled around and all I'd heard from Tori was a message saying she was home and going to do some homework on Saturday, I was a little worried.

I saw Trina as soon as I got to school, normally I'd rather swallow rusty nails than have any form of communication with the older Vega, but I needed to know Tori was okay.

Something just didn't sit right in my gut.

I slammed my car door shut and made my way over to Trina as she waited in line at Jet Brew.

"Annoying Vega," I said, gaining her attention.

"What?" She asked, a little wary that I approached her.

"Where's your sister? I need to talk to her."

"She's sitting her test before she goes back home. Our father brought her to school."

Nodding, I grabbed her coffee as she was about to get it passed to her before walking off, ignoring her shouts as I raised a hand up behind me, sticking a finger in the air.

I navigated my way through the halls, bypassing our friends and people asking for me to come see them before I stopped out the front of the examination room.

David, Tori's dad, and her teacher were talking by the doorway quietly between themselves as the teacher kept an eye on Tori.

"Mr Vega," I said, gaining both his, the teacher, and Tori's attention.

"Jade, how've you been?" David asked and I nodded, looking over at Tori who just dropped her head back to her test.

"I'm doing alright, I was just wondering how Tori was."

"She's not feeling so well, but wanted to take the test, so I called the school and convinced them to allow her to take the test now."

"Well, any and all homework, I can bring by this afternoon if you'd like?" I offered, keeping my eyes on Tori as she raised her head quickly.

"Thanks, Jade. Why don't you stay for dinner tonight? I'll get the Mrs to cook up something good, cause I'm only good on the barbecue and take-out." He gave a small laugh.

"I'd actually love that, but I have to go pick my brother up from his father's. I don't think you want a seven year old running around."

"Hey, it's hot out, supposed to get to ninety-five today, bring him over and he can hang out at our pool," he said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it'll be nice to have a little kid running around, I'd prefer that to two screaming teenagers," he said, laughing softly.

"Okay, I'll call my mother and let her know we won't be home, thank you. I'll see you later on."

Even though she would be away till Friday, my mother would still need to be kept in the loop with things involving Riley.

— — — —

The rest of the day was uneventful without Tori around, quiet.

It was like the whole school's mood had changed without her cheeriness.

She seemed to be friends with everyone.

By the time lunchtime came around, I'd given up hope that anything would happen that was going to lift my spirits let alone the rest of our group.

I glanced to the empty spot that was left for her at our lunch table, the chatter between everyone was quiet, mostly about everyone's upcoming break plans.

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