Chapter 11. Jade's POV.

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Smut? Well... be careful.. there's a few smutty things in here...

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Tori was practically naked, and with my belt off, my pants were slipping a little.

I felt nervous, I'd had sex before, not with a girl, but Beck.

I blinked.

Now was not the time to be thinking of Beck.

"Are you okay?" Tori asked softly. "We don't have to."

"I want to... but do you?"

She nodded, stepping closer to me, her hands gripping the edge of my shirt and she started pulling it up slowly, her nails making me shiver as they dragged lightly up my ribs.

Our lips pressed together briefly before she pulled my shirt off, I felt warm despite the cool air in my room.

She stepped forward, her body pushing mine, causing me to step back, which made my knees buckle as I ran into the bed.

This time, I thankfully didn't grab onto her and make our heads knock together, but she was already straddling my lap and kissing me again as my body was still half-bouncing from impact.

She used the kiss to push me to lay down, her hands snaking down my front, making a moan bubble up my throat as she rolled her hips against me.

God, I want to hear her moan.

I want to feel her thighs shaking around my head.

I want to taste her.

I ran my hands up her back, unhooking her bra with a little annoyance at the hooks getting caught, before quickly flipping us over, my hands on her shoulders to keep her pinned to the mattress.

"Me first," I said in a slightly demanding voice, our eyes catching, my mouth going dry as she nodded, her eyes getting slightly darker.

So, Vega liked being bossed around in the bedroom? This oughtta be good.

"If you want this to stop, just say so, and I'll stop instantly, okay?"

She nodded, so I pulled her bra away from her chest, my nails scraping down as I pulled it, causing her to moan and slightly arch her back.

"Just say no if you don't like something," I whispered, leaning down to wrap my mouth around her nipple, one of her hands bunching in my hair while the other rested on my waist, pulling me closer, her nails biting in hard and clawing up my side.

I shivered, biting down lightly which made a breathy moan stumble from her lips as her breath hitched.

"Jade," she whimpered, her hands moving up my back. "Please, touch me... I need you."

I felt my stomach tighten, the way she said my name, begged me to touch her, telling me she needed me.

I gripped the sides of her underwear, lifting my hips enough to push them down her legs before sitting back on her thighs.

"You're so wet," I said, looking between her legs before looking up at her face. A light blush covering her cheeks.

"All for you," she said softly, grabbing one of my hands and pushing it between her thighs as best she could with me still sitting on them.

I lifted up once more, enough that she could spread her legs, and I shifted to the end of the bed, kneeling between her legs.

"Wait," she said as I kissed her inner thigh.

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