Chapter 8. Tori's POV.

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AN: Bit of a stressful day/morning on my end so I decided to post the 8th chapter. I've got a few more written, will keep trying to work on this story cause it's a great release for me.

Jade opens up about her feelings, while things take a stumble for the girls, remember, Beck is an ass, and I'm sorry for that, I just felt like this roll suited him for this fic.
Also, feel free to bash Sinjin in the comments!

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I woke to a random noise, making me huff a little and roll the other way.

Jade cursed softly beneath her breath, making my eyes shoot open and look around.

I looked at my laptop, the call still running, Jade's breasts on display.

"Fuck," I mumbled, slamming my legs tighter together and pulling the blanket over my head.

"Sorry, my alarm... gotta shower," she said.

"It's midnight, shut up and sleep." I grunted.

She laughed softly and huskily, her voice sleep infected.

"It's six," she said. "Go back to sleep."

"Nah, my alarms about to go off," I huffed, peaking out at the screen to see her standing with her black fluffy bathrobe wrapped around her body.

"So get up then," she said, throwing a pillow in the direction of the laptop.

"Maybe," I sighed, rolling onto my stomach.

"Want me to pick you up? I'll buy pancakes," she said, making me lift my head slightly.


"And coffee," she sighed, as if she wasn't going to get coffee anyway.



"I-I think I might be okay doing that scene, we don't have to go to Sikowitz," I said, moving to sit up and pull the laptop a little closer.

The thought of kissing her for a scene seemed a little less hectic after she kissed me yesterday, after our talk, after falling asleep beside her, and seeing how great her tits were moments ago.

Damn, were they great. Or were they great.

"Sounds good, I'mma go shower now," she said, making me nod. "Be ready in an hour. Or starve, your choice." She said before walking away.

I smiled, running a finger over my lips, still feeling a faint tingle from her lips pressed to mine.

My thoughts were broken by my alarm going off, making me grab my phone and shut the sound off with a whine.

She didn't hang up... does that mean I should leave the call on too?

I shrugged, sliding out of bed and pushing the laptop to the middle before heading over to my dresser, finding something to wear for the day.

— — — —

I stepped into my bedroom after getting changed from my shower and ran my brush through my hair as I went over to my closet, completely blanking on having to grab a shirt before I'd gone in there earlier.


I jumped, my hands coming up to cover my breasts despite having a bra on.

"Fucking hell, Jade," I growled, tossing my brush in the direction of the laptop only to see the call wasn't actually on the screen.

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