Chaoter 30. Tori's POV.

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AN: I'm sorry... I just haven't had the energy to post... I've got a few chapters written, and I don't see an end in sight at the moment, but I am kind of trying to wrap the story up... sorry for the wait, I hope you're still enjoying the fic!!

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~Seven Months Pregnant~

Today was the day.

I sighed, pulling a sweater on over my head. One of Jade's. It still faintly smelled like her.

It reminded me that I needed to swap it for another one, soon.

My stomach was more visible now, I looked closer to five months than the seven I actually was. Neither my parents, Trina, or my friends knew yet. But, today, I was telling my family.

The doorbell chimed through the house and I gave myself another glance in the mirror, adjusting my boobs within my bra before making my way downstairs with my stomach in knots. Or just the baby moving. I wasn't sure, but something felt weird.

"Good morning, Jade," I heard my father say as I rounded the last step.

"Morning," Jade said, holding out a cup towards him. "Two pumps caramel, right?"

My dad grinned, accepting the iced coffee as he gestured her into the house further.

"Hey, babe," Jade said once she noticed me, making her way towards me. She pressed a kiss to my cheek and handed me a decaf coffee.

"Thanks," I said softly, smiling despite the nerves taking over my body.

"When do you get your dog back from training?" Dad asked Jade, the three of us moving to sit on the couch.

"I got her back an hour ago, she's tied outside in the shade."

"Oh, no. Bring her in, it's way too hot," my dad said and Jade gave me a look.

I just shrugged and nodded, letting her know to just do it.

Jade stood, setting the tray with two other coffees down on the small table at our feet before making her way outside to get her dog.

"What's her name again?" My dad asked.

"Aoife," I said. "She chose an Irish name cause it's an Irish Wolfhound."

Dad nodded, smiling brightly as Jade guided the dog inside and shut the door. She unclipped the leash from Aoife's collar and the dog ran straight to me, excitedly wagging her tail and licking my hands.

"Hi, cutie," I cooed, scratching behind her ears as Jade sat beside me.

"Where's Holly and Trina?" Jade asked, looking towards my dad. Mostly cause I was too captivated by how big Aoife had gotten in the last two months since Jade got her.

"On their way back from the store, I thought that a barbecue would be a good lunch. Sound good?"

Jade and I nodded.

"Maybe I should tell him before they get here," I whispered to Jade.

Jade looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were gonna do it after lunch?"

I shrugged and sighed, looking towards my father who'd turned his attention to Aoife as she moved to get pets from him.

"Dad," I said, swallowing nervously. "I need to talk to you about something."

"What's up, kiddo? You need money?"

I shook my head.

"Is it drugs?"

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