chapter 9. Jade's POV.

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Sinjin is an ass, Beck is an ass, the girls are clearly in love and have no guts to say anything, shit goes down.

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Lunch time rolled around, and there was a shift in the air.

I could feel people looking at me as I made my way over to the usual table the group sat at.

"Jade, can we talk?" Beck asked, running his hand through his hair as he looked around.

"Can I eat first?" I asked, gesturing to my salad as I set it on the table beside Tori's lunch.

"Uh, sure," he nodded, moving around the table to sit beside Cat.

"Hey, I got you a coffee while I was getting mine," Tori said, gesturing to the cup closest to me.

"Thanks," I murmured, looking around.

"What's wrong?" She asked quietly as she grabbed her own drink.

"I feel like everyone's staring," I said, pointing my fork around at the surrounding tables.

Tori glanced around to not make it too obvious and nodded. "Everyone was whispering in Maths and kept looking and pointing at me also," she told me softly.

"Beck," I said, grabbing his attention. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I don't think now is the right place, Jade," he said, looking around.

"Just say it," I snapped.

"I think we should break up," he said.

I froze, a few collective gasps came from the tables around us that heard him.

"Oh," I blinked, swallowing around the dryness in my mouth. "Okay, can I know why?"

"Come on, really? You haven't been the same since the weekend, you've been distant..."

"I've been helping Tori with things," I said but raised my hands up in surrender, hoping not to start a fight with him. "But, I accept your decision."

I grabbed my food, not really feeling hungry and stood. I grabbed my coffee with my free hand after adjusting the strap on my bag and started to leave the table.

I almost ran right into Sinjin, who was smirking at me.

"What?" I barked at him. Usually that would have been enough to make him move out of my way, but he just raised his eyebrows suggestively a few times.

"Turns out my laptop backs up to my cloud... so does my phone. My Slap page has never been more popular," he said.

I growled, my fingers crunching around my coffee cup and lunch container, the lid popped off the coffee, the scorching liquid running down my hand as the plastic container crackled loudly.

"What did you do?" I snarled.

"You and Tori kissing, oh that's all over The Slap now."

Tori... oh god, the stares, the whispers.

I turned and looked at Beck.

"Is that why?"

He looked down, silently admitting why he really broke it off with me.

"Now we need to come up with a new scene for Sikowitz," Tori said and looked up at me. "Or we can go to him and tell him Sinjin destroyed everything," she said with a smirk and a look in her eyes that I'd never seen before as she popped a mouthful of salad into her mouth.

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