Chapter 24. Tori's POV.

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AN: So, here... A double update for Christmas. Sorry for making you wait so long. Hope these two chapters made up for it.
Merry Christmas!

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Sitting on stage in front of a hundred people, maybe more, was always nerve wracking.

At school - or for school - was a different type of nerve builder.

Sitting in front of all these people to eat and win, that was nerves of some other sort.

"Contestants, there will be twelve courses, there'll be water- or soda, your choice, provided. The first one to finish wins, or the last one to tap out, wins. In just a second, someone will come take your drink orders, then the contest will begin."

— — — —

Three people had already dropped out after the third course, now, we were onto burgers.

And with seven people left, eight courses to go, Jade couldn't contain her smile as people started to look like they were ready to die.

"Fifteen burgers with meat patties, cheese, pickles and a mix of Mayo, mustard, and ketchup next to three pounds of fries. Contestant number seven, you haven't even finished the hot dogs from last round, how're you feeling?"

The sound of a chair scraping and someone running off made me look to Jade who mimed someone puking to Riley, causing him to laugh.

— — — —

Three contestants left, two courses to go, and - never mind, the kid between me and the guy I always beat just left.

I motioned for another drink as I down the last two mouthfuls and picked up the final corn-dog on my plate, pulling it off its stick before downing that in two bites.

I looked down the table and saw he still had a few corn dogs left.

I sipped on the new coke I'd been given, waiting for the next tray.

"Next course, we're gonna get dessert out after how much you've eaten, let's start off light. Four kilos of ice cream. It's been sitting a while, so it's a little melted, sorry bout that."

I pulled the lid off the tub and picked it up, drinking down the melted ice cream before grabbing the provided spoon and hoe'd into the rest of it that hadn't melted in the heat of the day.

"There hasn't been any pie today, how about Apple, or meat?" The presenter asked sitting between me and the other kid.

"Hate Apple, meat?"

"Alright, meat it is," he nodded waving a hand and a family sized meat pie was sat beside me, and then two others beside it.

I pushed the empty ice cream tub to the other side- in front of the announcer and used my spoon to eat the insides of the pie before I picked up the outter shell, folded it in half and took a large drink before I ate the pie as quick as I could, following quickly with the other two pies being eaten the same way.

"Ladies and gentleman, we have a new winner this year," the presenter said, holding my arm up above my head while my free hand pulled my drink close and I chugged down the rest of my Coke before standing, glancing over to see he hadn't even gotten halfway through the pie.

People cheered and clapped and I jumped off the stage, making my way to Jade and Riley.

"And you didn't even make a mess of your face or clothes," Jade said, sounding impressed.

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