Chapter 22. Tori's POV.

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AN: thanks for all the people sticking around to actually read this. Hope you're enjoying it.

The girls go out for the night only to rush back for Riley.


"You ready?" Jade asked, grabbing her small clutch purse as I turned to look at her.

"Yeah, do you have everything you need?" I asked her, looking at my phone as it buzzed.

7:00pm: Hey, glad to hear you're coming to the party. Can you pick up some ice on the way xo

"All good?" Jade questioned, moving closer to me.

"Yeah, just MJ asking if I could get some ice on the way."

"Rule of thumb to never go to a party without ice."

"Alright, lets go," I said, kissing her cheek before we left her room and bid a goodnight to her mother.

"When will you two be home?" Alice asked.

"Eleven maybe twelve. We'll be quiet," Jade said.

"Have fun."


Carrying three bags of ice each, Jade and I walked into MJ's home and I was immediately greeted by Sully running towards me, dragging a frayed and broken rope.

"Sully, stop," I said, making him skid to a stop in front of me. "Good boy."

Sully yapped happily and softly for such a big dog before he followed me and Jade through to the kitchen.

I dropped one bag onto the bench near the kitchen sink and continued through to the back yard.

"That dog is your shadow," Jade said, making me glance back and smile softly.

"I trained him, he listens to me more than he does MJ."

"Talking about me, Tor?"

"Not directly," I said, tossing the bags I was carrying into MJ's arms.

"Boo, whore," she said, making me laugh and grab the bags Jade was carrying.

"This is Jade, my girlfriend. Jade, MJ."

"Hi, Tori's said so little but so much at the same time."

Jade quirked an eyebrow as I shook my head, smiling softly.

"I've barely said anything, don't lie."

"She's said you're a good person," Jade said, and I looked at her shocked. She's never said anything nice about anyone other than her family.

She wasn't exactly complimenting MJ directly, but it was something.

"Party!!!" Someone called out, coming through the house like a bull out of a cage.

"Hey Alex," I said, hugging the newcomer.

"Vega, nice of you to finally come to a party," Alex said, smirking as he patted my shoulder.

"Alex, Jade. Jade, Alex," I said, gesturing between them both.

"Donkey!" MJ loudly said sounding like Eddie Murphy in Shrek.

Sully barked loudly and ran over to me, growling.

"Cops," I said, and MJ quickly poured the ice on top of the beers before loading the top of the tub with soda's.

"Joking," I said, laughing softly.

"Not cool, Tori."

"Yeah, Vega," Jade said, looking visibly shaken.

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