Chapter 18. Tori's POV.

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AN: okay, so... I haven't edited this one. I keep meaning to but I keep getting busy. So. Any/all mistakes are my own.

Tori processes the news in a way she shouldn't.
TW: Drug use. (pot)


My ears started ringing as I heard the words come from the doctors lips.

"P-Pregnant?" I asked, my voice cracking.

My whole body felt warm, but freezing at the same time, I felt numb, and dizzy.

"Tori?" Jade asked, crouching down in front of me, her usually calming eyes weren't having that effect on my right now as I watched her forehead crease in concern.

"Tor, deep breaths, it's okay."

I tried to follow her commands, and actions as she took a slow deep breath to guide me, but my chest felt so tight in that moment.

Everything seemed to fade around me as I fought to keep my eyes from closing, white spots started appearing in my vision before I slouched forward, Jade's arms wrapping around me as I felt my bones go weak.


I blinked a few times and felt Jade's hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay, you're still at the doctors office. You passed out after the news."

"It was real?" I asked, swallowing nervously. My throat felt sore, and my mouth felt dry.

"Yeah, Vega, you're pregnant."

I sat up slowly, pushing my body up, Jade at my side and her hand on my thigh.

"I'm just going to grab the doctor and let him know you're awake, okay?"

I nodded, looking down at my stomach... someone was growing within me, it was a strange thought and feeling.

I looked up as I heard the door click shut, the doctor making his way over to me with Jade a step behind before she moved back to my other side.

"Are you okay?" The doctor asked, carefully taking my wrist and looking at his watch as he checked my pulse.

"A little numb," I admitted.

"That's okay, your pulse is normal, and your baby is okay. We took an ultrasound while you were out, your baby is around seven weeks," he pulled a folder off his desk and brought it over, opening it up and pulling out something before holding it out for me to take.

The small grainy image was showing a white patch which Jade pointed to. "A tiny Vega, lord help us all."

I could tell she was trying to lighten mood due to the tension I had flowing from my body, but I barely managed a smile before handing her the scan.

"Can I go home?" I asked, looking up at the doctor.

"Of course, I wrote out a script for the iron tablets and some medication that will help you throughout the pregnancy,"

I nodded, standing and getting a feel for the movement before leaning against the examination table I was laying on.

"You feel okay?" Jade asked, and I looked at her with a small smile and a nod.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I just want to go home and sleep," I said, making Jade pick our bags up and reach for my hand.

I took it, sliding our fingers together before thanking the doctor and made a move to leave.


"You sure you dont want me to come in?" Jade asked as she parked in the driveway at my house.

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