Chapter 21. Jade's POV.

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AN: Drug usage, the girls talk a little about drugs, Tori comes clean and lets Jade know she smokes pot.

Apart from school, it was a while before I saw Tori.

A whole week to be exact.

We both got busy with our families and homework.

Riley got sick, so I was home as soon as school finished, and caring for him.

It was Friday by the time he felt better, and I knew Tori and her dad were going out.

A text from Tori asked if I'd come seeing as Riley felt good enough to do anything except sleep.

I let her know to just enjoy time with her father, but she said Riley could come also.

I set my phone down and went through to the lounge room, smiling when I saw Riley watching Paw Patrol.

"Ri, do you want to go bowling?" I asked, rubbing his back.

He looked up at me, nodding quickly.

"Go change to go out, we'll have dinner after we bowl, but food will be there too, okay?"

"Kay," he said, turning the tv off before running up the stairs.

I smiled, loving that he spoke sometimes, and only to me and Tori. He signed to me that he wanted to surprise our mother, so I didn't let her know, nor have I told Rose.

He wanted them both to be surprised.


Riley surprised Tori and David at how good he was at bowling.

It was quite funny watching his score almost rise above Tori's. He missed one pin the entire game while Tori kept getting strikes or hitting every pin she missed in the first bowl.

He kept his noise-cancelling headphones on the entire night, and when it came time to leave Olive Garden, our last stop of the night, Riley was yawning his head off.

"Do you want me to drop Tori off after I take her to get a bag of clothes?" David asked me, making Tori look up at him with a small smile.

"She has changes of clothes at my place, if you're sure about me taking her home."

"I trust you with her, Jade," David said, patting my shoulder with a kind and warm smile gracing his lips.

"I'd be worried if you didn't considering how much time we spend together," I said, pulling my wallet out, but David put his hand on mine.

"I'll cover the meals, it's my night with Tori, you and Riley are a welcome bonus."

"Thank you, but if you ever need me to pay my way, just say." I turned my attention to Riley, rubbing his shoulder to get his attention.

"Time to go home," I signed as I spoke to him, knowing it'll help him learn to speak.

He nodded, sliding his chair back a little before standing and moving over to David, hugging him tightly around the waist.

"That's so cute," Tori said, having made her way back from the bathrooms.

"You're coming with me," I said, kissing her cheek.

"I am?"

"You are," David said. "Unless you don't want to?"

"I do, but I have to get my homework."

"Okay, so I'll follow your car back to your place and wait for you to get your homework," I said, wrapping an arm around Riley's shoulder.

Riley tapped my hand, making me look at him.

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