Chapter 35. Tori's POV.

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What's that thing I usually say? Oh yeah, I own nothing bar the idea for this fic. I tried to edit as best as I could and most likely forgot something, so, don't pay that much attention to the crappy errors I'm bound to have missed. 

Sorry for not being around so much, I've tried my hardest to work on this fic while I've been offline, but I barely got much done. Here's a hopefully decent chapter to make up for it.

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Doctor's appointments, family meals, and secrecy.

Time jump. 8 months Pregnant.

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I sighed as I swung my legs, waiting for the doctor to enter the room. My mother and Jade were sitting in the chairs off to the side discussing school and the baby.

Every time the baby was brought up, my mother would try to be discreet, but I saw the longing look she sent towards the bump.

I hadn't really given her an answer about whether or not she was taking it, and I could tell it was weighing heavily on her mind.

Mine too, but it was a hard decision for me. Do I want this child growing up thinking I'm it's sister and then having it hate me when it finds out I'm actually it's mother?

A hand on my shoulder had me looking up to see Jade, smiling with a questioning eyebrow.

"You okay there, Vega? We were talking to you."

"Oh, sorry. What's up?"

"We're just talking... but are you okay?"

I nodded, leaning closer, smiling when she kissed me. "I'm okay. Just lost in thought."

"How's little peanut today?" Jade asked, stroking a hand over any stomach.


My mother stood and moved closer and I smiled up at her. "They're active? Can I...?"

I nodded and lifted my shirt slightly, letting her hand rest on my stomach before I guided it to the spot the baby was kicking.

Tears sprung into her eyes and I looked to Jade, but before I could say anything, the door opened and both of them took a step away from me to let the doctor over to me.

"Tori, how're you feeling this morning?"

"Tired, but that's not unusual. The baby is very active today so I've been up since four."

The doctor nodded, a sympathetic look on his face. "Jade, nice to see you again. And who's this pretty lady?"

"My mother," I said as I smiled over at mum, a light blush on her cheeks.

"Alright, let's see how the baby is doing, we'll take a blood test to make sure everything's okay with that too. I'll send a nurse in when I'm done. But first," he gestured to the bed and I laid back, adjusting my shirt so it tucked under my breasts.

"You're still small- if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were only five instead of eight months along."

"Mum was small with my sister and me, too."

The doctor nodded, putting some gel and then the ultrasound wand onto my lower stomach, pushing the gel around before he focused on the baby.

"There it is, little peanut," Jade said.

"Big peanut," I said, grinning as I looked at the monitor.

"The baby is doing well by the looks of it, and, if you want, I can tell you the gen-"

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