Chapter 10. Tori's POV.

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AN: Date night, helping a girl in need, and a lead on possibly spending their futures together? Buckle up, cause the girls might start something tonight to take the next step together.

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~Two Weeks Later~

Things were going well for Jade and I, we hadn't put a label on it at all, which we were both okay with.

We weren't exactly doing much PDA outside of our houses, which was fine with me also, and jade was worried about the lashing out people would give me at school, so we kept quiet for now.

I was finally going to meet Jade's mother tonight, she'd been so busy that we haven't had a chance, and admittedly I was nervous.

Jade just said to relax while she lounged on my bed, watching me try on numerous outfits.

I think I'm on my sixth outfit at the moment, I was staring at it in the mirror. It didn't feel like 'meet your kinda-girlfriends mother' outfit.

"Vega?" Jade asked, sliding her arms around my waist, making me look up and catch her eyes on the mirror. "You look beautiful... as always," she said softly.

I fought hard to keep the blush from my cheeks, but it appeared anyway, making Jade chuckle, kissing the side of my neck.

"Stop, you're no help. I'm meeting your mother-"

"At my house before we go out to a movie, it'll be like ten minutes, not even that. Just wear something comfortable, please," she said as she cut me off.

"Jade?" I turned to face her so I could see her properly.


"I-Is tonight a date?" I asked hesitantly.

"Would you like it to be?" She asked, bringing her hand up to push a lock of hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear gently.


"Vega, would you to go on a date with me tonight?"

I nodded.

"Great, then hurry up and get dressed, I'm starving," she smirked, pecking my lips before making her way back over to my bed and flopping onto it.

"Is that any way to talk to your date?" I asked, clearly teasing her.

"Hey, I was always told to be myself, isn't that who I should be on a first date? Myself?" She shot back.

"Second," I said, making her look confused. "Technically, it's a second date if you count the pancakes the other week."

"Was it?" She asked.

"I like to think of it as one," I said, turning back to the mirror before pulling my shirt off and tossing it behind me. "Where are we going to eat?"

"How do you feel about surprises?" She smiled, making my stomach and heart flip happily as I caught her eyes in the mirror once again.

"I feel like I trust you enough that I'd probably like whatever it was."

Jade's dress. I should totally wear the dress I 'borrowed' from her and never gave back after she lied about playing Ping Pong.

"Tori, what're you doing?" Jade asked as I unbuckled my belt and pushed my jeans down my legs with a little difficulty due to how skin-tight they were.

"I want to wear a dress," I said, turning to fully face her with a smirk as she took in my almost naked body.


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