Chapter 19. Jade's POV.

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AN: Sorry for not updating in a while, been busy visiting my fiancé in America... Hopefully you like the update, sorry it's a short one.... I didn't realise I didn't have big chapters written. Hopefully I wrote more for next chapter.

Please leave a comment and let me know how you're liking it.

Alice finds out, Tori discovers a show for children that she now needs to know everything about, and the girls have a 'first' moment.

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Sitting in the back of Sikowitz's class was always my spot, I rarely sat at the front or middle unless the other chairs were filled.

But sitting here, with Tori beside me, I got to annoy or distract her.

It was starting to become a habit, having my hand on her thigh, fingers slowly drawing patterns across her inner thigh and feeling her skin erupt with goosebumps, it was therapeutic for me.

I looked at Tori, she looked pale and her skin felt clammy, so I leaned close to her, whispering. "You okay?"

She shook her head, handing her coffee cup to me before standing and running out of the room.

Sikowitz went silent as she left before looking at me.

"Is there a reason young Tori has left?"

"Sick," I said before he nodded and waved a hand.

I took that as a sign to go after her. I picked both our bags up and dropped the empty cups in the trash before leaving.

— — — —

As I stepped into the bathroom, Tori stepped out of a stall, our eyes locked in the mirror as she gave me a weak smile and washed her hands before grabbing some paper towel, wiping her mouth.

She bent down, rinsing her mouth out under the tap and then shut the tap off, wiping her mouth with the paper towel again.

"You okay?"

She nodded.

"Couldn't keep it down any longer," she said softly and I stepped forward, hugging her.

"Want to go to the nurse?"

"No, I feel better now, it's okay."

"Ready to go back to class?" I asked, rubbing her back.

She nodded against my chest.

"I need to go to my locker and get some mints," she said, and I stepped back from her.

We made our way out of the bathroom and towards her locker, I stood by her as she dug through it and waited.

As she clicked her locker closed, she smiled at me as she popped the mint into her mouth before we both made our way back to sikowitz's class.

— — — —

After school, I took Tori to my place, she said she missed Riley, so I happily granted the silent wish of them both being able to see each other cause I know he missed her too.

"Your mum looks mad," Tori said as I parked in the driveway.


She pointed to the door where my mum was standing with her arms crossed and a look of disappointment on her face.

I pushed the door open and stepped out of the car, looking over at Tori.

"Jade, can we speak in private?" My mum asked.

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