Chapter 12. Tori's POV.

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There's only 1 thing, 2 say, 3 words, 4 you...

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Jade and I spent the weekend locked in her room, a few minor breaks to get food and drinks.

After Saturday, I called my dad to let him know I wouldn't be home before Jade and I curled up to watch movies.

So when Monday rolled around, and we had to go to school, it was hard. Hard keeping a distance from her, hard to keep from taking her in the janitors closet, in her car, in her room when we went back to her house after school.

"Mm, phone alarm, Riley's bus," Jade murmured against my lips as she reached into her pocket.

"Go," I said. "I'll start my homework up in the kitchen."

I grabbed my bag, following her upstairs before we parted ways near the kitchen.

I took my laptop and notebook from my bag, along with a pen and started my laptop up while I flipped through the pages of my book to find the assignment notes I jotted down today in class.

"That's so cool, Riley. You should show Tori, I'm sure she'd love it," I heard Jade say, turning to look at the doorway as the footsteps came closer.

"Riley!" I beamed at him, holding my hand up for a high five as he ran over to me.

He slapped his hand into mine before holding up paper with his other hand.

"Wow," I said, looking at the drawing. "Is that us at a beach?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jade said, going through Riley's bag. "Maybe we should take him to the beach this weekend."

"I love that idea, do you, Riley?"

He nodded quickly, sitting the drawing on top of my notebook before running upstairs.

"He loves you," Jade said.

"I love him too," I admitted, smiling down at the picture. "I wish he were my brother."

"I don't," Jade said. "Then he wouldn't be my brother."

"Aw, Jade... you're so sappy," I teased, causing her to roll her eyes at me.

"Shut up and do your homework, Vega," she said, tossing a pen at me.

"Yes Mistress," I whispered and leaned up, kissing her cheek before turning my attention to my laptop, leaving a stunned Jade to her own tasks.

— — — —

I looked at Jade, swaying her hips to the music, the entire moment felt really domestic.

She was making dinner for Riley and I, humming softly to the beat of the song, occasionally singing along.

I found her especially beautiful in this moment, she had taken her makeup off, hair tucked up into a loose ponytail, an old worn shirt that hung over her thighs and a pair of boxers that I so desperately wanted to take off her, lift her onto the counter and eat her out.

Another one of my fantasies I've had of her in the past. Taking her on every surface we could do it on.

A hand on my arm snapped me back to reality, making me turn my head and meet Riley's awaiting smile as he held up the guitar for the game we played what felt like forever ago in his other hand.

"You want me to play?" I asked him.

He nodded excitedly, and I couldn't resist. This boy has a tight grip on my heart.

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