Chapter 26. Tori's POV.

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Just a short filler chapter. Sorry bout that... Hope it's worth reading.

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Jade and I walked around the local store, my arm looped through hers as she pushed the trolley slowly down the aisle.

"Want to get lunch after this?" I asked as I pulled a bag of chips off the shelf and dropped it into the trolley.

"What're you in the mood for?"

"Chinese? There's this delicious place just around the corner."

"Sounds good, can you think of anything else we need?"

"Coffee," I offered hopefully.

"Decaf or none," Jade shot back, smirking at my pout.

"Bully," I said, sadness coating my voice.

"Fine. One. No more though."

"Really?" I asked, my eyebrows shooting up.

Jade nodded.

"Best girlfriend ever!" I cheered lightly and tugged on her arm to bring her into a kiss.

— — — —

After lunch, Jade and I made our way back to the house- the rain had slowed to a drizzle, and the road was practically mud.

"Remind me to wash your car when we get back home, it's going to be so dirty when the holiday is over."

"That depends," Jade said, stroking my thigh.


"Are you going to be in a bikini?" She asked, smirking.

"Maybe, depends on the temperature. Or how many scars are on view."

"I was joking. I'll take it to a car wash, Vega, don't worry."

"Why spend money when your girlfriend will do it for free?"

"We'll discuss it later, we should get inside before the ice cream melts and the rain gets worse again."

We ran inside with the grocery bags in hand, and I took the ice cream straight to the freezer while Jade took the snacks and heating pad upstairs.

"Everything okay, Tori?"

I looked up at my father and smiled.

"Yeah, just had to get some ice cream for Jade. Can you make sure no one else eats it?"

"I'll do what I can, but no promises."

I made my way upstairs and found Jade laying on the bed, so I crawled across the bed, laying my head on her shoulder.

"You okay?"

"As okay as I can be with razor blades in my uterus. You?"

"Yeah, I made sure that hopefully no one else eats your ice cream."

I rested my hand on her stomach before my fingers moved on their own, tracing light patterns across her exposed skin where Jade's shirt had ridden up slightly.

Jade twitched a little bit said nothing, so I continued, pressing a kiss to her collarbone and listened to her hum softly.

"What song is that?" I asked after a while, unable to place the song as I doubt I'd ever heard of it.

"A Grave Mistake, by Ice Nine Kills. I think you'd like their acoustic songs, or their covers... I doubt you'd like their actual music too much."

"Play me something?" I asked, lifting off her so she could reach her phone.

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