Chapter 6. Tori's POV.

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Fuck. Fuckity fuck, fuck!

Forbidden romance, paired with Jade... those types of plays have a lot of kissing, I know it's all for show, but I don't think I'd be able to kiss Jade. Not even to play the part.

I remember almost hyperventilating when she had to kiss my cheek when we played Walter and Nancy. She missed my cheek and got the edge of my lips.

I slipped into the janitors closet by my locker and ran a hand over my face.

I felt sick, my stomach rolling, the room was most likely spinning, or was I dizzy?

I leaned against the wall, taking slow deep breaths, trying to ground myself when the door opened, making me jump and close my eyes, my breath quickening.

"You okay, girlie?" A voice asked.

I cracked one eye open, nodding slowly before shaking my head quickly.

"I'll go get Lane," the janitor said, pulling the door shut again as he left.

I tried to use my grounding techniques, searching for something for each of my five senses... I couldn't even feel the wall behind me.

My whole body felt numb.

I crouched, tucking my head between my knees and holding the back of my neck as my body heated up.

"Tori?" Lane asked quietly, a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped, hands flying up to guard myself.

"Woah, hey, it's okay... it's Lane," he said.

Some school counselor he is.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Can't... air..." I barely managed to get the words out, he only nodded and held a hand out to help me up.

"Come on, we'll get you to my office."

I looked outside the door, students all trying to look in and see what was happening.

"Everyone get back to class," Sikowitz said, appearing out of nowhere, making the students all scatter. "What's going on here?"

"It's alright, Tori is just having a small panic attack. I'll take her to my office so she can calm down," Lane said to my last teacher who just nodded and both reached to give me a hand up.

I slowly stood, Sikowitz smelt of coconuts, while Lane, he smelled like hand lotion. I tried to keep myself grounded by the scents, but was thrown quickly when I saw Jade at her locker, her eyes meeting mine.

She was dropping her bag and books. I blinked and she was at my side in a second.

God, she's perfect.

"Vega, you good?"

I tried to nod, but she saw straight through my lie and took over Sikowitz's position by my side, her hand firmly slipping around my waist, her other hand on my arm.

"Was it the topic?" She asked softly, making me nod.

Lane opened his office, and I sat on the small couch, pulling my feet up and wrapping my arms around my knees.

"Ms West?"

"I'm staying with her," Jade said, looking at Lane. "Just, give us a moment."

He looked hesitant, his eyes darting back between us before I nodded at him.

As soon as the door was closed, Jade tapped my arm, then forcefully- but gently -pulled my body to face hers.

"Tori, why are you so worked up about the scene?"

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