Chapter 34. Jade's POV.

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A/N: As usual, I don't own Victorious. And, any and all mistake are my own.

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A few days later, I woke up to the sound of whining made me roll over and put an arm around Aoife, she lifted her head a little and licked my shoulder.

The whining didn't stop though. I lifted my head and my heart dropped when I saw Tori's face through my laptop screen, scrunched up with tears on her cheeks.

"Vega," I said, loud enough that she'd hopefully hear. "It's okay babe. I'm right here."

Her face softened a little and I glanced at the time on the corner of my screen. It was a little after four, and I know that once I'm awake, I won't have much of a chance of falling back asleep.

Tori sleepily reached out, her hand resting on her laptop. "Jade?" She murmured sleeping, causing my heart to clench.

"I'm here, it's okay. Sleep, baby. It's okay."

"Can you sing to me?" She whispered, her eyes flickering open and shut a few times.

"Sing?" I asked, sitting up a little, smiling as Aoife moved closer to my side as I pulled my laptop onto my lap and stroked my fingers through Aoife's fur.


"Sure, Vega. What song?"

"You choose, please?"

"I used to sing this song to Riley to help him fall asleep, uh, give me a minute, I have the instrumental somewhere on my phone."

She nodded and I reached for my phone, searching through my music for the song I wanted before pressing play, the soft sound of the guitar filling my room.

"Goodnight big moon, sweet dreams baby, if I could have one wish tonight, it would be that, you'd always keep, keep the starlight in your eyes," I sang, watching as Tori snuggled back down into her bed.

My fingers itched to be running through her hair, but I clenched them around my blanket and kept singing.

"One day you'll grow up, one day you'll walk out, in this big world on your own. And there will be days when, your heart'll break and, swear that all your strength is gone. But then you'll find a way to carry on."

Her eyelids shut a few times heavily, and I smiled softly.

"Heaven knows that it's a crazy ride, it's never perfect all the time, it'll pull you down and send you flying, so baby hold on tight, on this crazy ride. So don't be scared when you're in the darkness, the sun is swallowed by the ground, you think it's gone but it's hanging on, it's just on the other side of town. Even when it's lost, it can be found."

I shifted a little in my bed, laying back down as I finished the song off, not minding that tori had already started to snore lightly.

"Heaven knows that it's a crazy ride, it's never perfect all the time, it'll pull you down and send you flying, so baby hold on tight, on this crazy ride.

Heaven knows that it's a crazy ride, It's never perfect all the time. You know it's just a crazy ride, it's never perfect all the time. It'll pull you down and send you flying, so baby hold on tight, on this crazy ride. Goodnight big moon, Sweet dreams, baby."

"I love you," Tori murmured in her sleep before snoring once more.

My heart sped up, making my smile widen. "I love you too, Vega."

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By the time Tori actually woke up, it was just after ten in the morning. I'd already been up and had three coffee's, eaten breakfast with Riley and my mum and finished two assigned homework booklets.

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