Chapter 16. Tori's POV.

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AN: The girl's deal with a homophobe, Tori has a doctors appointment, a bad mood, and they plot a scene that Sikowitz lets them redo.

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Jade and I were sitting in the quad after lunch on Monday, a free period on both our schedules due to our teacher being sick.

Thankfully, the rest of our group wasn't in the class, I don't know how I could deal with Beck's death glare any longer.

"I have an idea," I said, stroking my hand across Jade's palm lightly, watching as she studied a textbook with her other hand, and write notes.

"An idea?"

"Yeah, how do you feel about going away with my family and I?" I asked a little nervously.

A weekend at my house I'm sure she could barely handle, mostly cause we pretty much stayed locked in my room and watched movies, but I don't think I could bear this upcoming family vacation without Jade being near me for a week.

"Away where?" She asked slowly, her hand twitching beneath my fingers.

"Out of town... To visit more of my family?"

"As in where you go every year?"

"Yeah, you and I can go exploring... I can show you the places I hung out growing up," I said, searching her face for anything to say she didn't want to go- or even if she thought I was insane for asking.



"That's half a year away," she said with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to book you ahead of time," I said, lightly bumping our shoulders, making her laugh at me.

"Book me? I'm yours whenever you need me, Vega," she said, kissing my cheek.

A throat clearing pulled us away from our closeness, making us look up and see a teacher standing over them.

"What?" Jade asked, a bite to her tone that made my insides tingle.

"The quad is closed now that the lunch period is over," the teacher said, both Jade and I looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, we know. But we're seniors, which means we get to spend our free period here. Or anywhere else in the school grounds as long as we're not disrupting classes." The teacher looked at me as I spoke, and although I'd been here for four years, I'd never seen her face before. "Who are you?" I asked her.

"Mrs Bastian," she said, standing a little straighter.

"Right, well, are you new?" Jade asked, and the teacher nodded. "So you can go ask another more knowledgeable teacher the rules of seniors and sitting wherever the hell we want."

I rested my hand off Jade's thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Jade, must you either scare everyone or piss them off?" I asked her with a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Jade nodded, looking back towards the teacher who looked mildly furious along with stuck with trying to fire back any form of sentence.

"Babe, just stop," I said, patting Jade's thigh to get her attention.

Jade looked at me while the teacher let out a noise of disgust.

"Did you just call me babe?" Jade asked, raising her eyebrows.

Wincing a little, I shrugged with a nod.

"It slipped out, sorry," I murmured, pouting.

"I liked it," Jade said before she smiled as she gripped my chin, pulling me into a kiss.

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