Chapter 37. Tori's POV.

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As per usual, any and all mistakes are my own. Sorry I haven't updated in so long, all I can say is hospitals suck, losing family sucks, depression sucks, and lord, coffee and energy drinks aren't a great meal replacement, but they don't suck.

One month after birth. The girls find out more about their stalker. Aoife is a good girl, and Jade is an excellent partner to Tori. (DUH!)

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Sitting in MJ's backyard, I settled on the edge of the log, rubbing Sully between the ears as I listened to MJ talk about the latest strain she was growing and how it was close to harvest.

"So will you do it?" MJ asked.

I blinked, coming back to reality. "Will I do what?"

"Try it with me when it's ready?"

"Oh, absolutely. Yes. Just call me when it's ready and I'll be here."

"This is why I love you," MJ said, a beaming smile on her lips as she dropped her cigarette butt into the fire pit. "You're always willing to try the new strains with me."

"Try and stop me," I said, chuckling.

"Where's your other half tonight?"

"She said she'd pick me up around eight, she's just at dinner with her brother and his dad. He's not really keen on Jade being with a female so I said I'd just annoy you while she was out."

"So when does that start?" She asked. I blinked, confused. "When do you start annoying me," she clarified.

"Oh, uh, now?" I poked her side and she snorted a laugh.

"Job accomplished, Tori. Good job."

I smiled and looked at my phone as it chimed and smiled harder. "How's Athena?" She asked.

"I think my parents forgot the lack of sleep and the million diapers you go through. But, she's okay. She's weirdly strong already, trying to push herself to sit up and she rolls in her crib. It's scary. She'll probably be walking before a year."

"God, that is scary."

"My mother was struggling with making a bottle the other night, and I just let her feed. That was weird. I mean, I've pumped so much milk for her, but, it's weird to actually have her feed from me."

"Yeah, that would be a mind trip."

I nodded, looking up as Sully stood and trotted towards the house.

"Jade's here," I said, a second later I stood as she came through the door to the backyard. "Hi, love," I said softly, wrapping my arms around her.

"Hi, babe." She gave me a few quick cheek kisses and on my lips too before she sat, pulling me into her lap.

"How was Riley?"

"He's okay, I think he hates his dad's new girlfriend cause he signed the entire time instead of talking."

"I don't blame him, when we dropped him off two weeks ago, she seemed like a bitch. She didn't even ask how he'd been or how school was. She didn't even seem excited to have him there." I huffed.

"Sounds like she needs a baseball to the face," MJ commented.

"Yeah, you're not wrong."

Jade patted my hips. "Did you get your stuff or do you want to stay longer?" She asked softly, lips by my ear.

I leaned against her, shivering at her low husky voice that sent shocks of arousal through my body. "I got it, and some for your mother too. It's to thank her for letting me stay so often. Do you want some?"

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